
XCOM 2 Critic Reviews

107 Total Reviews

102 Positive Reviews(95.3%)
2 Mixed Reviews(1.9%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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The Daily Dot February 1, 2016
Firaxis has done a wonderful job of taking the life-and-death, intense pressure of the tactical infantry game, and mapping it onto the strategic game.
Metro GameCentral February 3, 2016
A superb sequel that improves on every aspect of the already excellent originals, and offers one of the most absorbing and unpredictable strategy experiences ever seen.
GameGrin February 4, 2016
Despite being a fan of the XCOM series as a whole I never expected this new entry to be as polished, intricate, immersive, beautiful and exciting as it is. XCOM 2 is not only one of the greatest strategy games of all time, it’s also one of the greatest videogames of all time.
Guardian February 5, 2016
XCOM 2 is a perfect example of how iteration should work for games: it takes a great original, fixes and streamlines the problems, and doubles-down in unexpected areas. Among its greatest achievements is adding a sense of pace to the overall campaign and the moment-to-moment combat. This is an about-turn from the principles of the original that could have gone wrong but instead is the making of the experience.
Digital Spy February 8, 2016
XCOM 2 is otherwise a follow-up that does everything right by offering the best extraterrestrial skirmishes since Independence Day, coupled with genuine tactical depth that doesn't come at the expense of accessibility.
Twinfinite February 8, 2016
While XCOM 2 is definitely not for the faint of heart, people that do not give it a chance will be missing out one of the best strategy games of all time. The combat is unparalleled in its engagement.
Telegraph February 15, 2016
Every choice, every death and every shot feels like it counts in XCOM 2 and it is this feeling of real consequence that makes for a truly remarkable strategy game - one that goes beyond its clever design decisions and the odd technical hiccup to create a tangible sense purpose and real emotion to your squad’s story. As an experience that puts you in control, lets you relish victories, forces you to truly mourn mistakes, and allows you to grow as a tactician against insurmountable odds, XCOM 2 is near faultless.
New York Daily News February 17, 2016
Four years ago, Enemy Unknown was a terrific game. XCOM 2 manages to be far more challenging. And far better.
AusGamers February 18, 2016
Overall XCOM 2 hits that sweet spot between paying homage to the previous games, but acknowledging and improving on their flaws. It's a brilliant sequel and a masterful game in its own right, and a must buy for fans of the turn-based genre, or fans of games in general.
LEVEL (Czech Republic) March 22, 2016
A better, more imaginative and more demanding sequel to the already successful reboot of the iconic series. If you have even a minimal relationship to the genre, this strategy is what you want to play.
IBTimes UK April 2, 2016
It's a testament to the quality of XCOM 2 that despite performance hiccups on a mid-range PC I have been unable to put it down. It's at once radically different and reassuringly familiar, improving what needed to be improved and refining what needed to be refined without losing the core appeal of the series. XCOM has once again proven itself to be the strategy king.
Worth Playing February 5, 2016
XCOM 2 took a formula that was already deeply compelling and made it even better.
Cheat Code Central February 5, 2016
Despite these technical faux pas, XCOM 2 has many grand elements to praise. It is the countless little touches, such as your troops whispering acknowledgments while in stealth, or ducking when within the line of sight of a comrade’s shot, that truly show the commitment and effort the team at Firaxis poured into this stunning sequel.
Game Informer February 1, 2016
You're constantly under the gun in XCOM 2, and the deck is often stacked against you. Firaxis' masterclass in strategy design has you second-guessing all your choices and analyzing your smallest decisions. It might sound stressful, and at times it is, but XCOM 2's battles are so compelling that it's easy to pick yourself up after defeat and jump back into the fray. Successfully navigating XCOM 2's storm of difficult choices is enough to make you feel like a true legend.
IGN Italia February 1, 2016
Deep, atmospheric and a blast to play. The best XCOM ever, period.
LevelUp February 1, 2016
XCOM 2 is an improvement to the franchise in every sense of the word. From the refined combat mechanics to the overwhelming global setting, Firaxis Games shows how a sequel must be done. XCOM 2 is unforgiving as it is rewarding, a true masterpiece in the turned-based strategy genre.
Softpedia February 5, 2016
Firaxis has managed to deal with all the criticism leveled at the first title in the rebooted series and has created a great new classic, with XCOM 2 set to become one of the video games that generates record-breaking hours played numbers for fans of the strategy genre.
The Games Machine February 12, 2016
XCOM 2 comes really, really close to the perfect score. The gameplay is incredibly complex, deep and polished, and the freedom for the player is simply amazing. XCOM 2 is challenging, incredibly rewarding but never frustrating. It's just February, but this is already one of the best titles of 2016.
Games Master UK March 19, 2016
An instant classic that refines, evolves, and redefines the ideas that came before. Strategy perfection.
PC Gamer February 1, 2016
Exceptionally tough, rewarding strategy and a masterful reworking of the XCOM formula. We’ll play this forever.