
Yakuza 4 Critic Reviews

59 Total Reviews

54 Positive Reviews(91.5%)
5 Mixed Reviews(8.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Digital Chumps March 27, 2011
An excellent sequel for an outstanding series; Yakuza 4 caters to its fans and offers up another wonderful adventure in Kamurocho.
PSM3 Magazine UK March 12, 2011
Characterful, amusing, violent and intriguing: Yakuza 4 is excellent fun.
Gaming Age March 30, 2011
While adding three playable characters might not sound like much, it was certainly the shot in the arm the series needed. It livens up not only the combat, but the story as well, getting different personalities that aren't the same stoic Kazuma we've grown used to.
PSFocus April 5, 2011
Yakuza 4 has one hell of a story and the gameplay is better than before. You can also play with four characters instead of one and the game did get improvements on almost every aspect. The Yakuza games are for a small group of gamers, but it's a great one.
Gamer.nl March 23, 2011
Not everyone will take the time and trouble to get the maximum out of what Yakuza 4 has to offer. Whoever does will be amazed by its marvellous story, bizarre amount of content and the deep and intrinsic characters. The lack of challenge and the notion that many of its aspects already existed in the third part, aren't relevant enough to detract from the total package Yakuza 4 has to offer.
GamePro March 23, 2011
All things considered, though, Yakuza 4 is an excellent title that proves why this series, underappreciated as it is, is one of the crown jewels in Sega's current game lineup.
Telegraph April 14, 2011
The uninitiated may peer into Kamurocho's kaleidoscope and wonder what on Earth is going on, but through the eyes of the converted, the view is as fabulous as ever.
GameWatcher April 18, 2011
This sophisticated tone is one of the reasons I would recommended Yakuza 4 to any PS3 owner. It's brutally violent, intriguing from start to finish and requires a surprisingly small amount of background knowledge.
Game Over Online April 18, 2011
Yakuza 4 is everything you would expect from the series. The shift to a four-main-character storyline is the most welcome change it offers, and one that adds an entirely new flavor to a city already familiar to fans. Its brazen Japanese lifestyle mixed with ridiculous street brawling and lives of crime suck you in and make you want to stay. Despite it's flaws and its last-game (and in some cases, last-gen) presentation, Yakuza 4 is worth the odd missions one would have to complete in order to secure a loan to buy it.
GameCritics May 23, 2011
If the Yakuza series were merely the sole franchise keeping the long tradition of the 3D brawler alive, it would be worthy of praise. The fact that it manages to do that while also offering some of the best storytelling in the industry-and that it accomplishes these things essentially once a year-all combine to make it one of the most impressive series around. Yakuza 4 comes from the best possible video game pedigree, and it does its predecessors proud.
Multiplayer.it March 24, 2011
Yakuza 4 is not just a simple more of the same. Between its huge lines of subtitles there are some new features that definitely work. The four characters are a great gift for the story telling, and also to the combat system, different from character to character, succeeds to revamp old but working mechanics. Beside that is the same Yakuza of the past years.
Machinima March 30, 2011
If the news of a zombie-themed spin-off signals the series' proverbial jumping of the shark, then at least Sega managed to produce a game that feels as full and complete as Yakuza 4.
PlayStation Universe March 30, 2011
Yakuza 4 is the thinking man's brawler. Grab a drink, preferably in a very large glass, settle down and immerse yourself in the violent neon-lit streets of Kamurocho. Give it a chance and you'll find it hard to put down.
1UP March 17, 2011
Yakuza 4 provides a deep, unique story that you won't often hear told as well a style of gameplay you don't often get to experience. Do yourself a favor and try something different.
Vandal March 17, 2011
A superb game, with almost no cuts from the original version, but with few new features in comparison with Yakuza 3.
GameTrailers April 2, 2011
Yakuza 4 builds on its history and its strengths, using four well-differentiated playable characters to multiply the value of its character-driven drama and exhilarating fights. The game sometimes feels dated and a bit too stodgily conventional, but its virtual tour of a bizarrely attractive, crime-soaked, hyperbolic slice of Japan as seen through the eyes of its underworld nobility is certainly worth taking.
Game Revolution May 12, 2011
This is one critic who can see through the bullsh.t and has his name down in blood for Yakuza 5.
GamingTrend May 20, 2011
Ultimately Yakuza 4 is a good game but it isn't quite as good as Yakuza 3.
PSX Extreme March 17, 2011
The fighting is about as refined and diverse as it has ever been, the city of Kamurocho is more detailed and immersive, the story has plenty of highlights, and becoming immersed in urban Japanese culture has never been so entertaining. However, it's held back by one slightly disappointing fact: the series is starting to show its age.
Videogameszone.de May 24, 2011
This game is crazy as all the Yakuza games before. The graphics are not that good but the details of the virtual Japan are truly thrilling.