
YesterMorrow Critic Reviews

9 Total Reviews

1 Positive Reviews(11.1%)
7 Mixed Reviews(77.8%)
1 Negative Reviews(11.1%)

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Cubed3 July 12, 2021
Yui's eventful adventure with its high personal stakes in saving her family and friends, plus her unique ability to travel between her younger self and her current self, makes YesterMorrow a strong addition to Switch's library. The time travel mechanics are simple to execute, harder to master, especially as judgement is required to decide when it is the best time to change time periods. The gripping plot and the desire to save everyone from the, at times, horrific reality, creates a strong drive in Yui that will remain long after the end credits roll, with only initial game issues prior to and shortly after launch affecting overall enjoyment.
Starbit April 18, 2021
While the art style is marvelous to look at and the plot is quite captivating, the game doesn't really bring anything new that we cannot find in many other titles. YesterMorrow draws inspiration from timeless classics but doesn't quite replicate their formula in the same way. A work that's worth trying, but some of its potential was lost.
Noisy Pixel November 4, 2020
Yestermorrow feels like it had a lot of potential. There are some decent temples and puzzles to be found, but it can be hard to recognize them with various design choices and performance issues. This also bleeds into the enjoyment and accuracy of precision platforming. While hopefully, there will be various patches to fix its numerous bugs, as it stands, YesterMorrow feels like an adventure that’s not yet finished.
God is a Geek November 5, 2020
It has beautiful visuals and interesting gameplay, but Yestermorrow's frame drops and visual glitches make it incredibly hard to play on the Switch.
Nintendo Life November 6, 2020
It’s a real shame that YesterMorrow performs so poorly, because visually it’s a real treat, and it’s backed up by a pretty great soundtrack. More importantly though, its gameplay – while functional – can’t hold a candle to a game like Celeste, and we feel it really should have nailed this aspect if it’s to be successful. YesterMorrow may be worth a go if the severe technical issues get ironed out, but it’s by no means a must-buy.
Switch Player November 30, 2020
It may look the part, and it may even manage a reasonable shot at a puzzle platformer, but YesterMorrow’s parts don’t really combine smoothly enough to produce the gameplay experience that this sprawling, challenging adventure deserves.
Pure Nintendo December 14, 2020
It just doesn’t stand out to me as a “must buy.” I will say that there was a patch for some of the bugs in the game, but it could use a little more fine-tuning, in my opinion. YesterMorrow is nowhere near the worst game I’ve ever played, but it’s nowhere near the best.
Screen Rant November 4, 2020
If YesterMorrow is fixed, then it would make for a decent, if unambitious game. As it stands, the technical issues are so distracting that we can't recommend it in its current form. The odd glitch can be overlooked in a title during its launch window, but the problems in YesterMorrow are so persistent that they undermine the entire experience.
NintendoWorldReport November 11, 2020
YesterMorrow could have been a real solid platformer, but it was released far too soon; more work is needed to bring it up to a point where it can be enjoyed. There are moments where YesterMorrow’s tight controls, level design, and artstyle all come together and shine. Unfortunately, the mountain of technical issues and the empty world eclipse any hints of excellence. At the end of the day, YesterMorrow is an incomplete, broken game, and broken games are neither for yesterday or tomorrow.