
Yoshi's Woolly World Critic Reviews

85 Total Reviews

74 Positive Reviews(87.1%)
9 Mixed Reviews(10.6%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Cheat Code Central October 19, 2015
There's always something new and fresh to discover, plus plenty of worthwhile collectibles to seek out.
Nintendo Force Magazine September 30, 2015
There's no shortage of good 2D platforming on the Wii U, but Good-Feel has managed to tailor one of the very best games on the console.
Hobby Consolas June 22, 2015
A very well deserved homecoming for Yoshi, after many years trapped in a piece of amber. Far from making a standard platforming game, Good-Feel has made a beautiful game that surprises you with every step.
Impulsegamer July 5, 2015
Yoshi's Woolly World is a superbly entertaining game on the Nintendo Wii U that ticks all the right boxes for fun gameplay!
Nintendojo October 27, 2015
Woolly World was a delight to play, and one that I think any platformer fan will enjoy.
FNintendo June 22, 2015
Yoshi's Woolly world features a beautifully-crafted world where colourful settings, a superb level of interactivity and a delightful soundtrack are topped by an involving and compelling gameplay experience. A magnificent title from any point of view.
3DJuegos June 22, 2015
This is one of the best looking Wii U games with a compelling gameplay experience.
Nintendo Life June 22, 2015
It's accomplished platforming within Yoshi's quirky and unique template, and has enough soft cuteness to charm young gamers and melt the hearts of the most jaded of veteran gamers.
Dealspwn June 22, 2015
Yoshi's Woolly World is Nintendo at their inventive best. Delightful and deceptively devious, this sensational platformer encourages you to explore, experiment and genuinely play with it at every turn.
Multiplayer.it June 22, 2015
Yoshi's Woolly World is a real surprise: a great platform game that requires some serious skills and dedication, with fantastic graphics and lots of content.
XGN June 22, 2015
Yoshi's Woolly World is a fun game that barely repeats itself. There's just so much to discover.
Vandal June 22, 2015
This is the sequel we've been waiting since Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. A beautiful game with an outstanding level design that made us remember why we love this genre.
Digitally Downloaded June 30, 2015
Despite the odd frustration, Yoshi’s Woolly World is an incredibly fun romp. It has been a long time since the world got to see a console Yoshi game, and the fact it hearkens back to its SNES roots better than the recent handheld attempt is a joy to behold. This is one of the best platformers I have played in a long time.
Cubed3 July 13, 2015
A delightful knitted theme makes Yoshi's Woolly World a true joy to play, as everything from Yoshi and his various abilities, to the landscapes and elemental hazards, is beautifully rendered.
CD-Action September 18, 2015
It’s so beautiful, cute and charming that even the grimmest death metal fans will go ‘awwww’. If you want to introduce someone to the world of games this gem is hands down the best way to do that.
EGM October 12, 2015
Yoshi’s Woolly World brings an astounding amount of features to an aesthetically impressive title. It stands as one of the best Wii U titles this season, constantly delivering creative twists on what the platformer genre that Nintendo has been tapping for so long. It’s an absolute must buy for fans of the Yoshi series.
The Daily Dot November 2, 2015
The only caution about Yoshi’s Wooly World is that it is only composed of five Worlds, rather than the usual eight Worlds of a Super Mario Bros. game. A skilled platformer player who is able to grab all the collectibles in each course on a first run might find the game too short.
We Got This Covered November 10, 2015
The wait might have been long, but Yoshi's Woolly World arrives just in time to satisfy your desire for a new platformer. And it's charming and cute to boot.
Nintendo Enthusiast November 17, 2015
Overall, Yoshi’s Woolly World is a “Nintendo” game at its finest. The game not only draws in gamers with a captivating art-style and excellent soundtrack, but it also keeps them engaged with spectacular and diverse gameplay elements. Fortunately, Yoshi’s Woolly World packs in a wealth of options too, which accommodate new players as well as Nintendo veterans alike.
Universo Nintendo December 23, 2015
Yoshi's Woolly World manages, with great success, is accessible and yet difficult, old and yet new.