
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Critic Reviews

27 Total Reviews

27 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Da Gameboyz May 8, 2024
Da Graphics: To say nothing short of astonishing is an understatement.
Nintendorks May 8, 2024
Where Majora rises to the top is its concept – three days to save the world. The execution of the idea is flawless: time means everything and the player always has to be aware. The save system is absolutely perfect, letting players feel comfortable in controlling time but still keeping them on the edge of their seats when things get hairy.
Nintendophiles May 8, 2024
Majora's Mask is, withouht a doubt, a magnum opus of epic proportions. It may not be as great as "Ocarina of Time," but it gets as close as it possibly can. One of Nintendo's greatest.
Nintendojo May 8, 2024
I would trade all of the PS2 launch titles for one copy of Majora's mask. Period.
Link's second N64 adventure is a little different, but that's why we love it.
Hot Games May 8, 2024
Those gamers new to the adventures of Link and Zelda may want to do some background work and play Ocarina of Time before they jump headfirst into Majora's Mask.
Daily Radar May 8, 2024
There is no masking this one; it is, to mince no more words, a wonder.
Games Radar May 8, 2024
Constantly surprising, always delightful, never less than utterly stunning, this journey through the looking glass into a new and perfectly formed world is escapism of the very highest order.
Games Domain May 8, 2024
The colour and graphics in the game are flawless and your quest to find Majora's Mask is more intriguing and thought-provoking the deeper you get into the game.
Core Magazine May 8, 2024
Solid controls and complex-but rarely complicated-character interactions combine to produce another classic adventure.
IGN May 8, 2024
Recommended above all other titles this year as the Nintendo 64 game to own.
Gaming Maxx May 8, 2024
With a different storyline, an enhanced graphical engine, and a rather ingenious gameplay, Majora's Mask lets the N64 Zelda "series" end with a bang.
GamerWeb Nintendo May 8, 2024
It drew me into the world of Clock Town unlike any game I've played before, including "Ocarina." This could be the last truly legendary title for the Nintendo 64.
Game Fan May 8, 2024
The change in mood and the incredible new story are enough to rope anybody in for the easy thirty or more hours it will take to complete this worthy sequel.
Antagonist -- Ant.com May 8, 2024
With outstanding graphics and audio, solid gameplay, a number of fun side games and challenges, Majora's Mask is one of the premier N64 titles to date.
Happy Puppy May 8, 2024
The graphics are more stylistically consistent and detailed than those in Ocarina, the geography is more enormous and fluidly connected, the challenges are considerably more diverse, and the control interface is vastly improved.
TotalGames.net May 8, 2024
The storyline to Majora’s Mask is far superior to that of the first game and besides the camera and the occasional annoyance created by the advance of time, the puzzles, quests, objects and characters that you meet in this game make it a more than worthy sequel.
Game Revolution May 8, 2024
The two new additions of time and masks work well. It takes a little longer to get into this Zelda, but there are moments when the game really hits you with all its intricacies and mysteries, and that makes it all worthwhile.
Gaming Age May 8, 2024
It's easily the best game I've played so far this year on the N64 (although Banjo-Tooie might be a strong contender) and will remain one of my favorite games for a long time to come.
CNET Gamecenter May 8, 2024
Stunning, optimized graphics; immersive, rich sound; refined, complex, and deep gameplay; and a mature, gripping plot make it a game that you won't want to miss.