ZEN Pinball 2 Critic Reviews
12 Total Reviews
11 Positive Reviews(91.7%)
1 Mixed Reviews(8.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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January 10, 2014
Zen Pinball is a must-have anywhere you can grab it, and Zen Pinball 2 specifically on PlayStation 4 is equally just as desirable -- if not more-so.
January 15, 2014
If you enjoy pinball in any shape or form, Zen Pinball 2 is a must download.
December 23, 2013
Zen Pinball 2 is the game for the more casual fan, but pinball enthusiasts will also have a great time, despite the physics not quite being 100% realistic. The buttery smooth 60fps in 1080p also does wonders for the experience and this is the best version of a Zen made pinball game yet.
PlayStation Universe
January 7, 2014
A word of warning though: unless you really understand pinball and the strategy behind it and what all the individual lights, holes, ramps and bumpers mean on each table you won’t get the best out of Zen Pinball 2.
Gamers' Temple
January 31, 2014
From Soho down to Brighton, it's the best videogame version of pinball you'll find.
December 24, 2013
The great pinball simulator we already know arrives on PS4 letting us download all the tables we've already purchased on PS3 and PS Vita versions. There's no new additions, but the experience is as good and addictive as it is on other platforms.
IGN Italia
January 20, 2014
There's no added benefit to the PS4 version. It's just the same game with the same tables we've come to adore on PS3, but that doesn't stop it from being a very good game.
January 29, 2014
As it stands, the game is a fun romp, but only if you can get past the differences from real pinball psychologically.
Eurogamer Italy
December 23, 2013
Zen Pinball 2 for PlayStation 4 is a solid pinball game like the PS3 and Vita versions, but unfortunately there’s a small delay with flippers and DualShock 4 controls. Owners of PS3/Vita versions can automatically download tables purchased in the past at no extra cost, which is nice since Pinball Arcade doesn’t allow you to do that.
Push Square
December 26, 2013
After its enjoyable outings on previous platforms, Zen Pinball 2 has arrived on the PS4 in good form. Assuming that you can get past the inflexible purchasing options and cut through the sometimes overwhelming digital gloss, you’ll find a flipping fun game with an addictive core at its steel-coated centre.
January 12, 2014
Solid, fun, free and cross-buy. There's really no reason not to download Zen Pinball 2 on PS4. The table included free - Sorcerer's Lair - is of excellent quality and will entertain a lot. If you have some friends to share the charts, in addition, the value of this product rises dramatically.
May 20, 2014
It is not a bad experience, but it is probably not the one that should be at the top of your wish list.