Zombie Army 4: Dead War Critic Reviews
60 Total Reviews
50 Positive Reviews(83.3%)
10 Mixed Reviews(16.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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April 10, 2020
Ever wanted to dodge zombie sharks while on a quest to destroy the undead animated by evil wizard-Hitler? Well, it doesn't get much better than Zombie Army 4.
February 24, 2020
In terms of would I recommend the game, yes I would, if you are the sort of person who likes the added challenge of big brutes breaking up your otherwise sniper fueled game then you will probably love it. If you’ve enjoyed the previous games in the series then this should be an easy choice of buy. If you are like me though and don’t like having to totally shift gears and fight up close battles in a game that revolves around long range combat then maybe give it a miss… unless you regularly have group gaming sessions in which case multiplayer may well make it worth your while.
February 3, 2020
Zombie Army 4: Dead War is a great addition to the franchise, even if it's your first time experiencing it. The gunplay is awesome, especially if you activate a kill cam shot. The enemies provide a tough challenge, so be careful and don't get cocky. You can do it alone, but I highly recommend shooting with a buddy.
February 7, 2020
After wondering where it could go after the third entry, Zombie Army 4: Dead War is a fitting finale to the franchise. Everything about the presentation is top-notch, and there’s even a special surprise for anyone playing on the PS4. Between Left 4 Dead and World War Z, the co-op zombie shooter is a genre with some truly great titles, and now Rebellion has finally made a game that deserves to be named among the best of them.
Gamers Heroes
February 3, 2020
Zombie Army 4: Dead War offers fun, mindless zombie slaughtering co-op excitement without pretending it's anything else. An absolute blast with friends, it's brutal, disturbing, and you get to kill Nazi zombies. What's not to love?
Cultured Vultures
February 3, 2020
While Zombie Army 4 won’t win any awards for its story and doesn’t represent a massive revolution alongside most of Rebellion’s third-person shooters, it’s still some completely unpretentious fun with plenty of value and depth.
Trusted Reviews
February 3, 2020
Zombie Army 4: Dead War offers a new beginning to a spin-off series that deserved more attention, trading a few elements that made it stand out at first with a more ambitious take on multiplayer without abandoning its roots.
IGN Italia
February 3, 2020
Zombie Army 4: Dead War is the best episode of the saga, a fun and well-made cooperative experience.
Screen Rant
February 3, 2020
With a unique combination of ideas and gameplay mechanics, Zombie Army 4: Dead War somehow manages to make killing Nazi Zombies feel fresh and new.
February 3, 2020
Zombie Army 4 brings back the hallowed art of the "B game" with a gleefully campy story backed up by solid mechanics and a co-op campaign packed with loads of silly, gory replay value.
February 3, 2020
Zombie Army 4: Dead War isn’t the perfect Left 4 Dead successor fans have been champing for, but it’s one of the better attempts to date. What the game lacks in raw thrills, it makes up for with depth, challenge, solid tech, and devil-may-care craziness. If you’re not already tired of co-op zombie shooters, there’s a heck of a lot of fun to be had taking on Hitler’s hellish hordes.
Push Square
February 3, 2020
Zombie Army 4: Dead War is one of the best co-operative focused games on PS4. Its meaty campaign boasts of impressive level variety, a superb control scheme, and enjoyable gameplay mechanics while a Horde mode tests your abilities to the max. Rebellion has crafted an experience with so much to see and do that it could take a group of players weeks to master everything on offer -- a crowning success for this type of game. Zombie Army 4: Dead War is an absolute riot of a title that is just as cheeky as it is fun to play.
February 3, 2020
If you like shooting zombies with friends, then Zombie Army 4: Dead War is the game for you. There's a few new twists and several layers of progression now thrown into the mix, as you battle undead Nazis once again, but this is classic undead sniping action through and through.
Power Unlimited
February 3, 2020
Do you feel lifeless, exhausted and can you no longer cope with the pressure of the modern 'look at me have a great life' society? No worries. With Zombie Army 4: Dead War you get the perfect medicine at home. Although it is certainly possible to improve the formula.
February 3, 2020
Zombie Army 4: Dead War introduces some interesting new gameplay elements that improve the experience, and can be played solo or with three other people in a very funny co-op mode.
PLAY! Zine
February 4, 2020
Zombie Army 4: Dead War is an FPS game, where armies of mindless zombies are taking over the world, under the leadership of Hitler himself! It's up to you to help stop them and save the world - once again. Sounds fun? It is fun.
February 6, 2020
With gruesome visuals and a shameless B-movie narrative, this Nazi-bashing survival game offers little more than mindless mayhem – but that’s what we enlisted for.
February 11, 2020
Video gaming is an extraordinary medium capable of so many things; transporting you to other worlds, challenging your mettle and your beliefs, telling stories and fuelling creativity. Sometimes, it lets you get together with your mates and shoot zombie Nazis in the nuts. Consider the bar raised.
February 13, 2020
Zombie Army 4 reminds me of a PS2 game in the best possible way. When games like this were abundant and made for epic weekend rentals. If you’re looking for a great co-op zombie shooter to play until Valve releases Left 4 Dead 3 in a thousand years, I would definitely recommend this.
March 3, 2020
Sharp, gritty visuals, clever level design, and a John Carpenter-esque soundtrack all contribute towards creating an oppressive, dank, B-movie vibe that's almost as much fun to plough through solo as it is co-op. Plus, there's a zombie shark in it. If that hasn't piqued your interest you're probably already undead.