
Zombie Revenge Critic Reviews

22 Total Reviews

10 Positive Reviews(45.5%)
8 Mixed Reviews(36.4%)
4 Negative Reviews(18.2%)

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AllDreamcast May 8, 2024
With graphics and gameplay that are equally good, non-stop action and tight controls, load time between levels that's almost non-existent, and a really cool horror-movie theme, beat-em' up games just don't get any better than this.
Game Fan May 8, 2024
The best representation of the home beat-'em-up genre since "Streets of Rage 2" and "Guardian Heroes"--but it still doesn't match up to those great games.
CheckOut May 8, 2024
Although it's not nearly as scary as the "Resident Evil" series, it should give you a few starts and make you say "That's gross!" a lot.
CNET Gamecenter May 8, 2024
An excellent home translation of an arcade hit, but could use a bit more tweaking to truly shine.
Happy Puppy May 8, 2024
Each level is dissected by terrifically cheesy HOD-style cinema screens that supposedly advance the plot, but in reality make you scratch your head and go, "Wha'? Well, it looks good...."
Gaming Maxx May 8, 2024
"Zombie Revenge" does deliver a true beat'em up game with an excellent visual presentation and enough to make it worth a look.
Antagonist May 8, 2024
If you want a little more meat to your games, or hate games that purposefully kill you off right when you're getting to the good part, then maybe you'd better skip this one.
GamerWeb Sega May 8, 2024
ZR isn't really that great an investment if you're looking for a real game that takes weeks to conquer, but, if you're looking for plain and simple arcade thrills with a few sweet twists, you're bound to like the territory.
Da Gameboyz May 8, 2024
Although the playability of this title can still be questioned Sega is to be commended for attempting to add extras to lengthen the time a gamer plays this title.
GamePro May 8, 2024
But the frustrations of the game, including its limited replay value and annoying sound and controls, keep this game from being a "must-own" for all action addicts.
Dreamcast.net May 8, 2024
A game this simple should have air-tight control right? Well, you would think so. "Zombie Revenge" suffers from SEVERAL control problems that seem to take the fun right out of the game.
Dreamcast HQ May 8, 2024
I really really wish Sega would say they were working something with some deeper gameplay. (subliminal message beginning) "Streets......of......Rage."
IGN May 8, 2024
Not only does it make the game much harder than it should be (again, remnants of the arcade roots of the game), but it defies all logical thought, and that is really inexcusable.
Game Revolution May 8, 2024
I wish Sega had taken more time with "Zombie Revenge;" removed the loading times, made some graphical improvements, hired actual voice actors, and added another mission or two.
Gaming Age May 8, 2024
Gamers that grew up on frustratingly tough arcade games such as this, will most likely feel at home with the intense level of difficulty.
GameSpot May 8, 2024
The shopping list of things that don't work right is long and comprehensive.
Planet Dreamcast May 8, 2024
ZR will just drive you nuts. Satisfaction, it seems, goes to the quick, not the dead.
Hot Games May 8, 2024
Getting surrounded by zombies and not having any way to defend yourself thanks to not being able to activate the special moves isn't really a pleasant way to spend your time, and turns this game into a tedious chore.
DC Swirl May 8, 2024
I'd still rather play "Dynamite Cop" with its humor and imagination. "ZR" was game I had high hopes for but in the end falls way too flat.
Daily Radar May 8, 2024
Two-player mode, as well as some nice VMU games, and even a rather uninspired 3D "fighting" game option make Revenge a great rental, but there's just not enough meat (living or otherwise) to warrant shelling out $40 at ye local videogame store.