
A Borderlands fan who is terminally ill says that his trip to Gearbox in order to play Borderlands 4 was a truly amazing experience

Caleb McAlpine confirmed on Reddit, that Gearbox responded in a big and positive way to his request in October. He described his experience in the studio as "just awesome."

McAlpine wrote: "Gearbox flew myself and a friend to the studio on the 20th this month. We got to tour the facility and meet a bunch of amazing people, from some of devs for all of the Borderlands titles up to Randy [Pitchford], CEO." "We got a chance to play the Borderlands 4 demo and it was incredible."

McAlpine claimed that Gearbox had booked him and a friend a room at the Omni Hotel in The Star, which is the home of the Dallas Cowboys NFL Team. McAlpine wrote that the hotel also wanted to do something nice and gave us a VIP tour. "Needless-to-say me being a Lions' fan, I got to talk about a lot of smack.

McAlpine began his journey to see Borderlands 4 in October, when he asked Borderlands 3's subreddit to help him contact Gearbox and ask if it was possible to make this happen. Redditors forwarded McAlpine's request to Gearbox chief Randy Pitchford who immediately got in touch with McAlpine to say "we're going do whatever we can make something happen."

McAlpine said at the time, "I couldn't believe I received an email from Randy." "It was amazing to see the CEO Gearbox emailing and telling me he would do anything he could to assist me. I was just blown away to be honest. In a good sense. I never expected this. It almost felt as if I was dreaming to be honest."

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to r/borderlands3

McAlpine expressed his gratitude in his update to all who helped him get his request to those who could help. "I don't think I'll be around to see the game released, but I want to thank all of you for your love and support in making this possible," he wrote. "It was an amazing experience. It was just awesome."

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