Blizzard is aiming for Diablo 4's new overpowered class, but it promises to wait until next season before nerfing it.
Diablo 4's newest class is safe for the moment. Blizzard stated that it would not remove the spiritborn's ability of dealing quadrillions in damage until the following season.
Adam Jackson, the lead class designer, said: "Until then enjoy what you have now."
The patch that will be released next week will buff all other classes, though not to the same level as spiritborn. Jackson said that he does not want to get stuck in a cycle of buffs which exponentially increases player power beyond the limits of the game.
Blizzard is bringing back their weekly stream to discuss everything that's coming in Season 7. It also said that along with spiritborn nerfs you can expect an increase in the frequency of ancestral items dropping, an increase in crafting material rewards for Legion events, and a few changes to runewords. I may be reading too much into it, but it sounds like the long-awaited Armory system -- which would allow you to swap between builds as if they were presets -- could also be coming in Season 7.
The full patch notes are not yet available, but a few highlights include:
- Barbarians are not allowed to fall too far behind with damage increases to core skills, popular legendary aspects and other popular skills.
- Legendary aspects and druid passives can help you with bosses by increasing the damage of your key passives.
- The necromancer's basic skills have been given much-needed improvements to fuel more builds
- Rogues get small buffs to their core skills, passives and weaker skills
- The legendary aspects and key passives of sorcerers have been significantly boosted to allow for more build options.
- Toxic Skin, for example, gets a small buff.
- No more useless conduit shrines!
Blizzard has also confirmed the return of the Midwinter Blight and a second Mother's Blessing for a limited time XP bonus. This will be especially important now that everyone's paragon levels are being honed. There will also be a welcome back boost, which will give you a level 50 character pre-made on the nonseasonal mode.
Blizzard will run a PTR (playtest) for season 7 sometime after Thanksgiving in the US. Details will be revealed in the stream next week, and there should be a lot of new stuff to play around with.