Capcom explains exactly what a "deluxe remaster" is and then asks you which of its series should be next to receive the treatment.
Capcom is the most curious company around. The studio released a survey to ask players what they would like next after the release Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. It's a bit like when they asked for more Resident Evil remakes or if they wanted Dragon's Dogma 2 downloadable content, or if they wanted more Ace Attorney or if they wanted more Resident Evil (2020 edition) remakes.
Capcom posted a series of questions online (via VGC) asking fans what they thought of the beefed-up Dead Rising 1 version it released last week. Capcom wants to know, amongst all the questions, if the high-detail Frank West's face or the new three-dimensional audio was what tempted you to buy the game.
Capcom asks the players to answer a question that reads "Would You Like to See More 'Deluxe Remaster' Titles like This in the Future? ('Deluxe Remasters' are remasters that have improved graphics and playability (including new 3D models ).)"). You can choose to say that you want to see more deluxe remasters, full-blown remakes or a "simple" remaster with improved resolution (to meet current hardware standards). Or you can simply say that you do not want to see any remasters.
Capcom will ask you which series you would like to see remastered. You can choose from Dino Crisis or Lost Planet, Devil May Cry Power Stone, Resident Evil Onimusha Darkstalkers Okami. If you're not tempted to choose Resident Evil because it would be hilarious, then you and I are two very different people.
Capcom has been on a roll recently, thanks in part to the success of its Resident Evil remakes. Both fans and newcomers have been very happy with them. It's not my fault that Capcom has been able to ride the momentum of its Resident Evil remakes. But it feels a bit cheap to make a half-step in between remastering and remake, which allows you to charge players for games you've already redone, while leaving the possibility open for a full-blown remake down the road.
The company wants to know your preferences for Dead Rising. You can request a deluxe remake of Dead Rising 2, Off The Record 3, or 4, or a complete remake of "one game in the Dead Rising Series" or "a brand new Dead Rising Game." I don't mind a remake of DR2 despite, uh... everything I said. It's just that the original version is a pain to run on my PC. I guess what I really want is a Dead Rising 2 update.