
'Cat and Dog people rejoice! Fallout 76 will finally introduce camp pets "at the end this year"

During the Xbox Livestream at the Tokyo Game Show there was a short segment for Fallout 76, where the creative director Jon Rush took a moment to celebrate all of the wonderful camps that have been made in the game and ended with an announcement about a new Fallout 76 feature that will be arriving at the end the year.

Rush says, "We wanted to give an enormous shoutout to our players over here." "The Japanese Fallout 76 Community has been one of the most talented and dedicated communities we have ever had." You guys have been a joy to play and watch, from playtime to levels to camp building. After this, Bethesda showed us a little montage with some of their favourite camps. They were all much better than mine. Bethesda didn't spend all their time at the showcase just looking at pretty pictures. There was also a final update.

Rush continues, "We would like to confirm some exciting new," "Cat and Dog lovers rejoice! We're happy to announce that camp pets will finally be coming to Fallout76 at the end this year. These new furry pets will live in your camps, and can be interacted in a variety of ways." Rush only revealed this information during the showcase. He promised that more news will be released in the months to come.

This is good news for people like me, who collect cats whenever they get the chance. Unfortunately, unlike my bases in Minecraft, which are stuffed to the brim full of cats, we will probably only be able to have one animal at a given time, due to the restrictions on the animal friend perk.

The animal friend perk allows you to tame a single animal at a given time. These animals can be dogs, cats or mole rats. If you have a sufficient rank, you could even tame a radtoad. At one time, the highest ranks could tame mega sloths or deathclaws. However, this was removed from Patch 9 because these beasts were no longer considered animals.

There is still a chance to tame multiple animals, and keep an army of cats in your base. Rush has said that more information will be released in the coming months about this new feature, but I am not getting my hopes too high just yet.

Interesting news


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