Diablo 4 has achieved over $1B lifetime revenue, and made over $150M in microtransactions
Harrison Froeschke's LinkedIn profile was interesting to read, at least before he hid it. As the senior product manger on Diablo 4, Froeschke was entitled to brag about the action-RPG's profits. He even went so far as to give a breakdown of the profits.
Froeschke stated that his role at Blizzard was to "Lead the monetization of the store cosmetics and pricing, bundles offers, personalized discounts and roadmap planning, which have driven over 150M MTX lifetime revenues" and execute "every step in game sales from game pre-order through the first expansion, by configuring and working with other teams, resulting in more than $1B lifetime revenue".
These numbers aren't surprising at all, since Diablo 4 is Blizzard’s fastest-selling title of all time. It's still interesting to see that a full-priced game can make up to 15% of its revenue from the in-game store, even though some players received it as part of Game Pass. It's victories like these that keep the videogame industry motivated to try and repeat the success despite all the high-profile failures along the way.
Vessel of Hatred is the first expansion for Diablo 4. It will be released on October 8. The story will be continued, but there will also be a new class, the spiritborn, who specializes in spirit animals and martial arts, a jungle area, recruitable NPCs, a cooperative dungeon and more skills for each of the classes.