
I will be haunted by the dynamic tech in Killing Floor 3 that makes zeds 'flower' as you shoot them, but I also have to see what else is out there.


I'll be honest with you: I haven't sat down to consider the exact number of ways that my head could possibly be mangled and sliced. That's probably the reason why no one has called me non-stop to work on Killing Floor 3!

You can tell that the devs are big on gore. You can tell by a new documentary from PCG. Tripwire and KF3--along with a discussion about influences, philosophy, and approach--detail the studio's Massive Trauma and Evisceration tech.

It's called MEAT tech, and it was introduced in Killing Floor 2 for the first time. It's a system that allows you to do all kinds of horrible things with zombies, such as persistent blood splatter and limb removal.

Dave Hensley, founder of Tripwire, says: "We doubled down on the wounds on zeds." "We wanted a dynamic system of gore. We want to be able dismember any limb, apply wounds, and have different types of damage on the zed all at once."

But I have to admit that the head-shooting technology is what really stands out. Bryan Wynia, the creative director of Killing Floor, says that shooting people in the head is a great feeling. "[In KF3] the heads are made of multiple meshes so that they can essentially open like [a] blossoming head. It randomly generates the head's appearance every time.

Wynia is adamant about the "flowering heads" and you can see a series of exploded zeds skulls as she talks. They look like exotic and unique orchids. Both impressive and horrifying. I... think I'd like to see more? Oh no.

Interesting news


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