
In the last 11 Days, one character was played over 2.5 millions times.

Deadlock has only recently launched its closed beta. However, players are already figuring out which heroes they like and which are too powerful to ignore.

Tracklock allows us to see not only the most popular heroes, but also their success in terms of wins, pick rates and total games. Most of the heroes at the top (and the bottom) are fairly predictable. Seven, the most popular character, is at the top of the list with a win rate of 57% out of 2,518,656 matches and a pick rate of 92%. He's in nearly every game I play.

Seven is a very lethal hero, and also one that's easy to master. Lightning Ball is an excellent way to gather souls all at once. It is also a very annoying ability to play with, as it can deal 70 damage and slow 40% movement. Storm Cloud is also a very lethal ability in this game. Seven was nerfed even further in a recent Deadlock update, but the difference is not very noticeable.

Seven is my most played character. I won 20 games out of 25. I was proud of this statistic until I realized that everyone and their mother also shared in it.

Warden, McGinnis and Haze are also in the top five heroes, but only Haze has played as many games as Seven (2,434,513) so far.

The five worst characters are, in order, Yamato, Grey Talon (also known as the "Viscous"), Paradox and Vindicta. Yamato and Viscous, although not beginner-friendly, can be very good with some practice. Yamato can be a very powerful character with the right build and ability sequence. Characters such as Grey Talon or Paradox often rely on a strong team composition with characters like Haze or Lash drawing enemy attention.

In a Reddit post, a player said that Valve should update the heroes labelled "great for new players". "How are Vindicta or Bebop great for new players? They require specific builds and play styles, whereas Warden is a very strong and easy to play hero, but he's not recommended for new players.

I don't think Bebop or Vindicta are that difficult to master. Vindicta has been my second-most-played character. I've won 7 games out of 12. After switching to the solid but awfully named Sniper DPS - Sexy Foots build, I felt more powerful in both solo and team battles. I'll admit that having good aim is important when playing Vindicta. Headshots are what separates the good players from the bad, especially if they have the Headhunter Perk, which grants you bonus movement speed, heals and deals bonus damage.

It will be interesting to see how the list changes over the coming months, as I am sure that some heroes who are harder to master than Seven will rise to the top. As players gain more experience with Deadlock, I believe Shiv and Lash are characters to watch out for.

Interesting news


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