Kickstarter has already reached its goal for this horny cyberpunk RPG.
I played a Vampire Syndicate demo last year, when it was still a top down game designed in RPG Maker. It looked the same. The Kickstarter campaign was canceled quickly, and the developer, a single person, went back to drawing board. It's back in a more flashy Unreal Engine 5 version with dialogue and exploration in first-person. You can also toggle to third-person. The turn-based combat is done from a top-down perspective. The relaunched Kickstarter already exceeded its initial goal of $25,000. It still has 25 days left.
Vampire Syndicate has been described as a classic RPG, "inspired by legendary games such as Planescape: Torment or Fallout: New Vegas but also seeking to add new features." You play as a mercenary who is employed by one of four vampire lineages. You can work your way up to the top and become a vampire. There's a little bit of Bloodlines, Cyberpunk 2077, and Shadowrun in the DNA.
It has raised $49 207 at the time of writing and is close to a stretch goal for limited voice-acting, which is $50,000. Then, there is a stretch goal of $75,000 to customize characters in detail, and a $100,000 goal for follower customization.
It is being developed by the same creator as Memoirs of a Battle Brothel and takes place in a similar setting. It will also have the same approach when it comes to adult content. The description states that "Vampires have a sexual nature by nature." During the course of the gameplay, players will have plenty of opportunities to engage in casual sex and long-term relationships. Expect explicit sexual content."
You can also find out more about Vampire Syndicate on the Steam and websites. It's a big project for a single developer, and I hope it lives up to its ambitions.