Larian claims that 40% of current Baldur's gate 3 players are now embracing utter chaos by using mods
Baldur's Gate 3 was released over a year and is still one of Steam's most played games. Larian's RPG, y'know pretty damn good, is one of the reasons. There are so many ways to play that you can easily rack hundreds of hours playing it again and again.
Mods are another way to extend the lifespan of any game. Baldur's Gate 3's mod-friendly in-game browser is available on PC and consoles alike. Larian claims that 1.7 million mods were downloaded in the first 24 hour after console mods were made available. This is a lot. Since Patch 7 was released in early September, less than a week ago, players have downloaded 22 million mods.
Larian shared some interesting stats about mods on Twitter today. For example, 40% of current Baldur's Gate 3 users are modders. This is a large number of players but it's not surprising since we've seen a lot of mods for BG3 recently, such as one that implements real-time combat, and another that recreates the opening area of Baldur's Gate 2
Larian thanked the mod authors for bringing their creations alive with the BG3 Toolkit and all the players who are now causing chaos throughout Faerun.
This is just the beginning. Larian says that there are close to 800 modders already working on stuff to extend our Baldur’s Gate 3 playtime. Modders have also uploaded more than 2,000 modifications using the official mod tools.
I just looked at the Nexus Mods site and found 21 new mods for Baldur's Gate 3 today . I don't think this will slow down any time soon.