The Splinter Cell film that was to star Tom Hardy, has been cancelled, according to a producer on the project. He told The Direct that they "just couldn't make it right."
First, yes, there was a live-action Splinter cell in the works. You don't have to feel bad if it's something you didn't realize or completely forgot about. The film was announced with Tom Hardy as Sam Fisher in 2012. Not much else was known at the time. A deal with a studio had not yet been made.
Basil Iwanyk, the producer, confirmed today that it won't happen. Iwanyk stated, "That movie would've been awesome." "We just couldn't get the script right or the budget right. It was going to be awesome. We had a thousand different versions, but it was supposed to be hardcore awesome. It's sad that one of them got away.
It's unfortunate that a "great" and "awesome film project" couldn't overcome basic obstacles to reach the finish line. But, I suppose, this is the way of the movie business. Splinter Cell is also a victim of this. A remake announced for 2021 has not materialized and a planned VR game for Splinter Cell was cancelled in 2020. Netflix is moving forward with an animated Splinter Cell series. It might seem like a good consolation prize for the film but Michael Ironside won't be in it, so it may as well not happen.
Ironically or however you describe it, we are getting the Watch Dogs movie instead. Ubisoft announced the Watch Dogs film in 2013, after the announcement of Splinter Cell. I don't understand Hollywood.