
The Bridges and Ports Expansion and the Cities: Skylines Creator Packs are being delayed to avoid the developers having to'split their focus'

Cities: Skylines 2 has hit another bump on the road. Paradox announced the delay of the two Creator Packs and Bridges and Ports Expansion so that the team could focus more on improving its base game.

Paradox seems to be trying to be as transparent as possible about any delays in the release of Cities: Skylines 2 or bugs fixes as part of their ongoing damage control after a launch plagued by performance issues. In a blog, the Cities Team said: "We wanted to update you on the current status of our upcoming release." "We know that many of you are looking forward to new content and we want transparency about where things stand right now."

The Asset Editor has had some issues, despite the fact that the two Creator Packs Modern Architecture and Urban Promenades are apparently complete. This will also impact the release of the Bridges and Ports expansion in Q2 2025.

Colossal Order writes in a blog that the Asset Editor has been more challenging than expected. "We're making progress and have shared updated builds with the modder beta group so they can familiarize themselves with the Editor and give feedback on its functionality," the company says. "While we've done some initial testing on the importing, sharing, and saving processes, we still need to do more work before we can release the beta of the Editor.

Before the Asset Editor can be released, serialisation and virtual texturing must be completed. Serialisation is a process that converts meshes, textures and asset information into a file that can be shared, similar to.cok files created when saving maps," says the developer. Virtual Texturing is a key part of optimisation, as it reduces GPU Memory usage. Once these are complete, we can set a release date and finalise the asset-side of the Editor. We know that you are eager to get your hands on custom assets to bring your city to life. We're also excited to support our community's amazing asset creators."

The developers are also working on the Asset editor, and have been looking at all the bug reports relating to tourism. Hotels have been appearing in places they shouldn't be: "Once we fix the problem, we will share more information similar to what we shared with homelessness."

There is still some work to do on the various bugs and issues reported by players. The developers stress the importance of players reporting any issues they encounter, particularly crashes, because it helps identify problem areas.

Colossal Order states, "While we are focused on the game we still check back in as often as possible and appreciate all that you share with us." "We're committed to making Cities Skylines 2 the best possible game, and we will keep working until we achieve it."

Interesting news


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