
These weird ocean-bound liminal areas in Google Street View still give me the creeps, even though I know what they are.

I feel sorry for Google Street View's pin. A little yellow guy, picked up by mouse cursors around the world and dropped unceremoniously into locations all over the globe, only to silently scream its visions from its yellow eyes. It seems to say, Here is the view you seek. Leave me alone, adrift and here. I have served my purpose and must return home.

If you drop one of these pitiful, hapless mannequins in the middle of the sea, they may report back with something completely unexpected (via Futurism). Redditors have spent their time in this way, and they've come up with some surprising results. For example, a liminal-like interior commercial building located on the mid-Atlantic Ridge, just north from the Azores.

Google Maps has a streetview spot that is in the middle the Atlantic Ocean, but it's the bathroom aisle of a hardware shop from r/Weird

This appears to be an interior of a hardware shop listed as "Joca Construcao", but it's safest to assume that it is not located on top of the second largest ocean basin in our fair planet.

The listing was created "Visual Art Brasil", a digital marketing company. So, there's the possibility that we're being duped by an underground viral campaign for ....paint. Ladders? Curtain hooks at a reasonable price? I'm still not sure.

Reddit user KillHitlerAgain also found several other Street View Interiors that appear to depict commercial spaces. And like all good thrillers, the pattern is obvious. The music is soaring, the pens are falling from the researchers' mouths, and the slow zoom in on the protagonists face: they appear to be in an grid.

Comment from r/Weird

That's not a moon. Futurism dug a little deeper and found more to add to this list, including Street View of a Polish Restaurant in Germany that also appears to be located in the Atlantic. Not only the second largest ocean is involved. The South Pacific has its own erroneous listing, which appears to be a listing of auto parts storage facilities created by Xprasive.

Herein lies the clue. You can add your own Street View images via Street View Studio. It seems that these marketing firms may have accidentally placed their clients' businesses on the middle of vast water bodies -- ironically fulfilling their wish for greater visibility.

If it's intentional, then hats off. Occam's Razor aside, it appears that this could be a case where some wonky metadata is causing real-life places to appear to float Twilight Zone-style above vast bodies of ocean all over the world. These businesses could be portals to another universe or fragments from another dimension that are poking their way into ours.

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