
Valve has finally decided to nerf the game after players realized that Grey Talon was good.

When I first started playing Deadlock, I tried Vindicta, Grey Talon and Seven (yes I am that player) and I immediately realised how much I enjoyed playing a supernatural archer.

Guided Owl is a powerful immobilising and homing trap that can keep enemy players pinned for up to 1.25 seconds. Grey Talon was not a popular hero choice for many players, despite his powerful abilities.

Grey Talon is no longer ignored by Deadlock players. "Fighting Talon after buffs is unbearable, especially if Talon got fed," says a player. "You can't even get him with the improved armor, slowing hex and knockdown."

Every time I square up, I regret it. r/DeadlockTheGame

Grey Talon's pick rate was only 43.88% three months ago. His win rate was 46.45%. According to tracklock, this placed him in D-tier. But recently, he has risen to a pick rate of 64.43%, which puts him in B, just on the edge of A. The win rate has increased slightly, but is still below 50%. This is because players are learning which items work best for this hero.

Grey Talon excels at long-distance combat. Rain of Arrows is his second ability. Like Vindicta's, it can launch him into the air and create distance between you, and your enemy. It's in your best interest and that of your team to prioritize items that will help Grey Talon win long-distance battles, either by increasing his headshot damage or boosting his ability to avoid incoming attacks.

You can help yourself by acquiring Extra Stamina and Sprint Boots. Later in the game, you can buy items such as Ethereal Shift, which allows you to enter a void-like state where you are invincible. Other items include Sharpshooter and Crippling Headshot which increase damage from headshots, and reduce your target's bullet and spirit resistance. If you want to be more dangerous, try Glass Cannon. It reduces your health for the chance to stack damage (up to seven times) with each hero killed. If you don't know where to begin, there are many great community builds you can use.

Valve is trying its best to keep the poor hero low. Earlier this week developer Yoshi released a small update in which Grey Talon received a slight nerf. His base bullet damage was reduced from 30 to 27 and his movement speed scaling is also slightly decreased.

Grey Talon may be underrated but he is not the strongest hero of Deadlock. One player said, "All the talk about Grey Talon is making people forget who the most ridiculous character in the game is." "Wraith and Shadow Weave are the true raid boss." Ult + Silence plus fire rate from 3 + Fire rate from Shadow Weave and increased card damage = 100 - 0 for any hero on equal souls."

McGinnis and Abrams are ranked above Grey Talon, while Mo & Krill, who are in S-tier, are ranked above Grey Talon. These characters have been mastered faster by players than other characters. Combine that with their annoying and overpowered abilities and you get a recipe for disaster.

When I play against these characters, their abilities can make me scream in anger. McGinnis, for example, can heal herself and her team with Medicinal Specter, Abram is able to regen by using Infernal Resistance, and Mo & Krill have an ultimate that allows you to grab on to an enemy hero and beat the shite out of them before regaining full health if they died in your arms.

Grey Talon might not be able compete with these heroes one-on-one, but it doesn't mean that he isn't strong enough to be an annoyance to any enemy team, if you have a good build and stay away from Abrams Shiv or Lash players.

Interesting news


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