The long-awaited online co-op for The Binding of Isaac Rebirth will be available in just a few weeks.
Edmund McMillen, creator of The Binding of Isaac, promised online cooperative play in The Binding of Isaac Rebirth. For those who have waited with increasing impatience, the update will be live on November 18th.
The online co-op will have its own completion markers, and coincide with other balance fixes. McMillen said that the focus will be on "buffing" items that you guys think are lacking or bad. As of yet, no patch notes have been released.
It's not coincidental that today marks ten year since The Binding of Isaac Rebirth was first released on Steam. This makes me feel old. When I think about the fact that 13years have passed since The Binding of Isaac was released, I feel compelled to research "most comfortable coffins", just in case you retain some level of consciousness after death.
McMillen also posted a bunch production documents for Rebirth to his X account if you are curious to see some storyboards of cutscenes and the evolution in boss designs.
The Binding of Isaac Rebirth, along with all DLC, is on sale for 50 percent off at Steam. I don't want to seem impatient or pushy, but isn't it time to move onto the long-awaited Mewgenics game? It's currently scheduled for a release in 2025, but I won't believe it until I see it.