
Scalpers swarm eBay after Concord shuts down, charging punters as much as $25,000 for physical PS5 copies. Some are spending hundreds of dollars.

This season's gold dust item is not Oasis Tickets. It's, uh, Concord. Yes, it's the doomed hero-shooter from Firewalk Studios which Sony will unceremoniously pull the plug on tomorrow.

Scalpers have been flooded with auction sites such as eBay, which are selling ridiculously expensive PS5 copies for the $40 game. How expensive is it? Who would pay $25,000 for a CD? No? What about $950? What about $500?

You're probably thinking: These are just gamblers. At these ridiculously high prices, no one is buying this thing. You're sort of correct. You're right.

At least one rube paid $150 for the game. That's 375 percent of the original price. You can find the game for $140, $130 and more, but it's hard to find anything north of $100. It's not a lot of money, but I still think it's too much, especially for a game which could be on its way out.

It's happening in Blighty too. TheGamer, a UK-based website, has listings for the game ranging from PS100 up to PS10,000. However, the latter listing includes a poop emoji as part of the title. This makes me question its seriousness. The listings scream "PULLED OFF SHELVES RARE" in an attempt to lure punters into spending a significant portion of their paycheques.

If I were to guess the buyers' motives, I would probably say that it's not a love of Concord which is driving them to pick up the game in its twilight hour. The majority of the expensive listings boast that the wares are in their original shrink-wrap, and "in-hand", which is eBay-speak for the goods that the seller has in their possession rather than being tucked away in some dropshipping facility. I'd guess that the sales are a mix of people buying copies and scalpers creating fake sales in order to drive up the price.

This will not happen. I have no special insight and maybe 20 years from now when we are ruled by a caste robber barons who made money off hoarding copies of a hero shooter that is dead, I will have some serious eggs on my face. I'm confident that anyone who spends three digits or more on Concord will regret their decision.

Interesting news


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