January 27, 2015

Dying Light

Dying Light
Based on 2430 Ratings
Based on 58 Reviews


During the day you will explore the city in search of provisions and weapons. When the night falls, however, this troubled world undergoes a dramatic transformation that gives the gameplay a new dimension. You, as a hunter by day, become the hunted. The infected increase their strength, but something more sinister lurks in the dark to begin its prowl.

Dying Light Series Games

Dying Light
January 27, 2015
Dying Light
Dying Light: Cuisine & Cargo
February 10, 2015
Dying Light: Cuisine & Cargo
Dying Light: The Bozak Horde
May 26, 2015
Dying Light: The Bozak Horde
Dying Light: The Following
February 9, 2016
Dying Light: The Following
February 4, 2022
Dying Light 2: Stay Human
September 13, 2018
Dying Light: Bad Blood
August 13, 2020
Dying Light: Hellraid

Dying Light Trailer

Dying Light Screenshots

Critic Reviews

  • 70
    A slightly better version of Dead Island in everything but name.
  • 85
    Play UK March 31, 2015
    With some crazy fun online elements and a badass sense of actual achievement, Dying Light is the zombie game we've been working for. Just mute those terrible voices.
  • 80
    It's not perfect, but Dying Light is last, brutal and most importantly, fun.
  • 87
    GamesBeat March 23, 2015
    It’s just so easy to pick up and get lost in for a few hours at a time. You can credit Techland for that success because it picked a few ideas and really got them right.
  • 60
    New York Daily News March 22, 2015
    The sheer "stuff" can keep you occupied for hours upon hours, simply because the mechanics are clean enough and the game world itself is beautiful. When the game is still in its tutorial portions, you'll find yourself on top of a high building. Take a look around from there, and you'll see a detailed and varied city, see plenty in the distance. This is a good-looking game.