Dying Light Critic Reviews
58 Total Reviews
43 Positive Reviews(74.1%)
15 Mixed Reviews(25.9%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Cheat Code Central
January 27, 2015
I am truly blown away by how gorgeous this game looks. From every angle and every vantage point, the sprawling, desolate city has been created in vivid detail and the lighting effects help to create a sense of realism to your plight that can even make you feel a little like this event could actually happen.
Gamers' Temple
February 10, 2015
Dying Light is better than Dead Island in just about every way possible.
February 11, 2015
Dying Light is an enjoyable yet clichéd zombie game that successfully injects Parkour into its mechanics.
February 12, 2015
Dying Light is a great experience from beginning to end. The combat is stellar, the parkour is a genre best, and it's taking place in an environment perfectly designed for the game's strengths. For all of its problems, Dead Island was pointing towards something great in the future, and it's clear that Dying Light is that something.
Hobby Consolas
January 30, 2015
Dying Light probably won't be the most innovative game of 2015. Even its plot and main characters are a bit lame, but gameplay wise, what it does, it does right. Zombies, parkour, co-op, RPG elements... It's one of those games that if you give it a chance, (better on co-op), you won't be able to drop the pad.
March 23, 2015
It’s just so easy to pick up and get lost in for a few hours at a time. You can credit Techland for that success because it picked a few ideas and really got them right.
PlayStation LifeStyle
February 1, 2015
Overall, my time with Dying Light has been incredibly exhilarating and entertaining. The ability to play with friends, but still improve my character without having to worry about losing out on any progress I have earned keeps me coming back for more and more.
February 2, 2015
Forget Dead Island, the most famous production from Techland. Dying Light is more "survival", and more "horror". It's not a perfect game, but it's pretty scary and challenging, especially if you love parkour.
Game Informer
February 2, 2015
Dying Light is a strong open-world zombie game that delivers a good experience on nearly every front.
February 3, 2015
Its main story is unspectacular, but the memorable side quests and sheer fun of exploring its world do a fantastic job of offsetting that, making Dying Light one of the most engrossing open-world games – zombie-infested or otherwise – I've played in a while.
Play UK
March 31, 2015
With some crazy fun online elements and a badass sense of actual achievement, Dying Light is the zombie game we've been working for. Just mute those terrible voices.
Power Unlimited
January 29, 2015
The good news is that both Alex the Action-fan, Susan the Stealth-lover and Gareth the Graphics-geek are going to enjoy Dying Light. The bad news is that Steven the Story-freak won’t be joining them.
Gaming Age
February 6, 2015
All in all, Dying Light is a lot of fun, thanks entirely to the way it handles movement and city exploration.
February 3, 2015
While it may borrow from games we already know and love it does so with its own flair and separates itself from other less than spectacular zombie themed games out there.
February 4, 2015
Dying Light is a breath of fresh air in such an already well-known genre the games involved with the zombi universe. The mix of parkour and walking dead makes the offering a fancy result, with few technical issues.
January 28, 2015
On the surface Dying Light may be nothing more than your average run-of-the-mill zombie game complete with predictable story and tons of flesh eating monstrosities. But, beneath the very pretty surface lies a game with some excellent ideas that, when combined with some tried and true mechanics, create one of the best zombie games in recent years.
Push Square
February 2, 2015
Dying Light starts out disappointing, but once you allow its brand of undead action to circulate your bloodstream, it can be difficult to put down.
Eurogamer Italy
February 2, 2015
Dead Island meets Mirror’s Edge: it could seem a bizarre marriage but Dying Light makes the most of it.
PlayStation Universe
February 2, 2015
Dying Light is a really enjoyable game. The atmosphere is absolutely spot on and the game world is a joy to traverse with your parkour skills. It has issues with its mission structure and confusion in the direction of its protagonist, but you’ll likely be having too much fun to care.