Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
(Known as "Gundam Musou" in Japan) In the future, rebel space colonies launch a brutal war for independence with a series of orbital strikes against the Earth. War is reinvented as advanced ECM renders long range sensors and communications virtually useless. In this chaos, a frightening new weapon, the Mobile Suit, is born. Agile, heavily armed and armored - optimized for short range combat with melee attacks and a wide array of weapons, the Mobile Suit is the ultimate instrument in this new age of warfare. The time has come to pick a side, choose a weapon and prove your supremacy. Dynasty Warriors:GUNDAM takes gamers through an intergalactic conflict where the only hope for survival is to annihilate the encroaching opposing forces. It's a one-versus-many as gamers fight at lightning speed aboard their favorite Mobile Suit, the ultimate weapon of war. Gamers can explore the rich and detailed setting of the Gundam multi-verse from a myriad of perspectives. Assume the role of legendary heroes and villains while strategically enhancing their power, skills, and abilities. Play out the legendary scenes from the rich storyline and marvel at the subtle twists viewed through the eyes of each character. Furthermore, unlock Mobile Suits and Pilots from different Gundam universe time lines while accomplishing secret missions adding limitless replayability. With a variety of game types including Official, Original and Versus Mode, gamers must overcome impossible odds to bring their Mobile Suits to victory. [Namco Bandai / Koei]