
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Walkthrough

Embarking on the journey through the vast and intricate world of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim can be as daunting as it is thrilling. With its deep lore, expansive geography, and the myriad quests spanning the main storyline to the inconspicuous corners of its universe, achieving 100% completion is a monumental task. This Skyrim game guide aims to provide a comprehensive Skyrim walkthrough, equipping players with the knowledge and strategies to navigate through its challenges. Whether you're battling ancient dragons, forging alliances, or mastering the arcane, Skyrim's immersive experience is unmatched, making it essential to have a detailed Skyrim game walkthrough at your disposal.

This article will guide you through every facet of the game, from a thorough Skyrim main quest walkthrough to the intricate details of side quests and world exploration. It breaks down guilds and factions, offering insights into aligning with these groups and the benefits thereof. Additionally, it covers skills and abilities to help customize your gameplay experience, as well as downloadable content (DLCs) that expands the universe even further. Handy tips and tricks will be scattered throughout to elevate your game, ensuring not only survival but mastery over the lands of Skyrim. From the novice adventurer to the seasoned warrior, this Skyrim complete walkthrough is an indispensable resource for anyone looking to conquer one of the most iconic games in role-playing history.

Getting Started

Embarking on the epic journey of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim begins with understanding the basics of the game, selecting your character, and navigating through the initial quests. This section will guide players through these foundational steps, ensuring a solid start to their adventure in Skyrim.

Overview of the Game

Skyrim is an open-world RPG that offers players an unparalleled level of freedom. From the outset, individuals are thrust into a rich, detailed world where every choice has consequences. The game is designed to accommodate multiple playthroughs, with a vast array of quests, factions, and outcomes available. Players are encouraged to explore, learn, and grow their character in a way that best suits their play style. Whether one chooses to follow the main storyline immediately or venture off the beaten path, Skyrim's world is responsive and immersive.

Selecting Your Character

Choosing a race and class is the first critical decision a player makes, setting the tone for their Skyrim experience. Every race comes with its unique abilities and starting bonuses, which can give players an edge in certain aspects of the game.

  1. Warrior Builds: For those inclined towards melee combat, Nords, Orcs, Redguards, and Imperials are excellent choices. These races have bonuses that enhance physical strength and endurance.
  2. Mage Builds: Players interested in magic should consider High Elves, Bretons, or Dark Elves. These races start with bonuses to Magicka and specific schools of magic, making spellcasting more effective.
  3. Stealth Builds: Khajiit, Wood Elves, and Argonians are ideal for players who prefer stealth and agility. These races excel in sneaking, lockpicking, and archery.

Remember, while these recommendations can provide an initial advantage, Skyrim's flexible progression system allows any race to excel in any role with time and effort.

Initial Quests

The journey in Skyrim begins with the quest "Unbound," where players make their first significant choice: to follow Hadvar, representing the Imperials, or Ralof, siding with the Stormcloaks. This decision does not lock players into a particular faction but influences the early game experience.

  1. Following Hadvar offers players a friendly introduction to blacksmithing and better prices at Riverwood's trader, aiding in the early accumulation of resources.
  2. Choosing Ralof provides an opportunity to gather valuable light armor early on, which can be sold for a good price.

After escaping Helgen, the next step is to visit The Guardian Stones. Located northwest of Helgen, these stones allow players to select a blessing that boosts the rate at which skills in a particular area (combat, magic, or stealth) improve by 20%. Choosing the "Thief" stone is advisable for a balanced start, enhancing the development of crucial stealth and combat skills.

Following these steps, players are encouraged to engage with the world around them, whether by following the main quest to "Before the Storm" or exploring the rich environment and side quests Skyrim offers. With a character tailored to their preferences and a solid understanding of the game's mechanics, players are well-equipped to embark on their epic quest for 100% completion.

Main Quests

Overview of Main Storyline

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim unfolds two hundred years after the Oblivion Crisis, in the year 4E 201, marking a period rife with conflict and prophecy. The assassination of the High King of Skyrim by Ulfric Stormcloak has plunged the land into civil war, with the Stormcloaks seeking independence from the Empire. Amidst this tumult, an ancient prophecy foretold by the Elder Scrolls comes to pass—the return of the dragons, led by Alduin, the Nordic God of Destruction, also known as the World-Eater. Players navigate through this chaotic era, engaging in quests that intertwine the fate of Skyrim with the resurgence of these formidable beasts.

Key Characters

The journey through Skyrim's main quests introduces players to a host of pivotal characters, each playing a crucial role in the unfolding narrative:

  • Balgruuf the Greater: A key ally in quests such as "Before the Storm," "Bleak Falls Barrow," and "Dragon Rising."
  • Ralof and Hadvar: Depending on the player's choice, one of these characters will assist in the initial quest "Unbound."
  • Odahviing: A dragon that becomes an ally in "The Fallen."
  • Hakon One-Eye, Felldir the Old, Gormlaith Golden-Hilt: Legendary heroes the player encounters in "Alduin's Bane" and "Sovngarde."
  • Irileth and Farengar Secret-Fire: Assist in early quests like "Bleak Falls Barrow" and "Dragon Rising."
  • Alduin: The primary antagonist seeking to destroy the world.
  • Elenwen and other Thalmor agents: Serve as major and minor antagonists throughout the storyline.

Important Locations

The path to thwarting Alduin's apocalyptic plan takes players across various key locations in Skyrim, each pivotal to the main quests:

  1. Helgen and Riverwood: The game begins with the player's escape from Helgen, leading them to Riverwood.
  2. Whiterun: Early quests like "Bleak Falls Barrow" and "Dragon Rising" take place here.
  3. High Hrothgar: The home of the Greybeards, where the player learns vital Thu'um abilities.
  4. Ustengrav and Kynesgrove: Locations important for understanding the dragon resurrection.
  5. College of Winterhold and Thalmor Embassy: Sites that further the plot against the dragons.
  6. Sky Haven Temple and Sovngarde: Key locations for the final confrontations against Alduin.

Players will traverse these and other locations, engaging with allies and adversaries, to fulfill the prophecy and save Skyrim from destruction.

Guilds and Factions

In the expansive world of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, joining guilds and factions not only enriches the gameplay experience but also offers unique benefits, quests, and items to the player. Each guild and faction presents a distinct storyline, set of characters, and a series of challenges that can significantly impact one's journey through Skyrim.

Joining Guilds

The process of joining a guild in Skyrim varies, with each having its own set of requirements and initiation quests. For instance, to become a member of the Thieves Guild, one must venture into Riften and seek out Brynjolf, who can be found in the marketplace during the day or at The Bee and Barb at night. Initiating conversation with Brynjolf starts the prerequisite quest "A Chance Arrangement," where the Dragonborn is tasked with pickpocketing and planting a ring, demonstrating their thievery skills. Successful completion of this task leads to an invitation to join the guild, regardless of whether the initial quest was completed flawlessly or not.

  1. Thieves Guild: Start by talking to Brynjolf in Riften to kick off the "A Chance Arrangement" quest.
  2. Companions: Encounter the Companions fighting a giant near Whiterun and speak to Kodlak Whitemane to begin the "Take Up Arms" quest.
  3. College of Winterhold: Show your magical prowess to gain entry.
  4. Dark Brotherhood: Initiating contact requires a more sinister approach, often starting with the "Innocence Lost" quest.

Important Guild Quests

Guilds in Skyrim offer a series of quests that not only advance the player's status within the guild but also unfold unique narratives that add depth to the game's world.

  • Thieves Guild: Quests such as "Loud and Clear" and "Blindsighted" are pivotal, with the latter leading to significant developments within the guild.
  • Companions: The "Silver Hand" quest is a key moment, offering the player a chance to become a werewolf.
  • College of Winterhold: Embarking on quests like "Under Saarthal" reveals the rich history of Skyrim's magic.
  • Dark Brotherhood: The quest "Death Incarnate" serves as a critical juncture in the Dark Brotherhood storyline.

Benefits and Rewards

Joining a guild in Skyrim is not without its perks. Members gain access to specialized training, unique items, and sometimes, powerful allies. For example, as a member of the Thieves Guild, one can learn from expert trainers in skills such as lockpicking and sneak, and gain access to fences who buy stolen goods. The Companions offer training in warrior skills and the unique ability to transform into a werewolf.

Guild Unique Benefits
Thieves Guild Access to fences, Thieves Guild armor sets
Companions Werewolf transformation, warrior skill training
College of Winterhold Access to magic trainers and spell books
Dark Brotherhood Shrouded Armor set, assassination contracts

Each faction also has a specific headquarters that serves as a hub for members, providing amenities like sleeping quarters and crafting stations. Moreover, joining certain guilds unlocks potential followers and spouses, enriching the Dragonborn's personal life in Skyrim.

In conclusion, the guilds and factions of Skyrim offer players a multitude of opportunities to explore, grow, and influence the world around them. Whether one chooses the path of a thief, warrior, mage, or assassin, the quests and benefits associated with each guild ensure a rich and rewarding experience.

Side Quests and World Exploration

The world of Skyrim is vast and filled with countless opportunities for adventure beyond the main storyline. Players are encouraged to explore every nook and cranny of this expansive world, engaging in side quests, discovering hidden treasures, and simply marveling at the beauty and danger of Skyrim's diverse environments. This section delves into the intricacies of side quests, the rewards of exploration, and the thrill of uncovering hidden treasures.

Miscellaneous Objectives

Skyrim is teeming with miscellaneous objectives that players may encounter during their travels. These objectives often lead to interesting stories, valuable loot, or unique experiences. For instance, players might stumble upon a distressed NPC in need of assistance or find a mysterious note that hints at a hidden location. Completing these objectives not only enriches the player's experience but also contributes to the overall completion of the game.

  1. Delver: Players are tasked with clearing out dungeons across Skyrim. With a total of 50 dungeons to explore and conquer, each cleared dungeon not only brings rewards but also contributes to the "Delver" achievement.
  2. Explorer: Discovering new locations is a crucial part of Skyrim's exploration. With over 100 unique locations to find, players are encouraged to wander off the beaten path and uncover the secrets that Skyrim holds.
  3. Sideways: Completing side quests is another way to delve deeper into the lore and world of Skyrim. With numerous quests available, each offering its own story and rewards, players can significantly impact the world around them.

Exploring Skyrim

The act of exploring Skyrim itself is a rewarding experience. The game's open-world design encourages players to venture into unknown territories, from the snowy peaks of the Throat of the World to the lush forests of Falkreath. Along the way, players may encounter hidden caves, abandoned shacks, and other points of interest that offer valuable loot, quests, and insights into the game's rich lore. Skyrim's diverse environments pose unique challenges and rewards, urging players to prepare for anything as they navigate through treacherous terrains and face various creatures and NPCs.

Hidden Treasures

Skyrim is filled with hidden treasures waiting to be discovered by the keen-eyed adventurer. These treasures can be found in various locations, from sunken ships along the coastlines to secret compartments in bandit camps. Notable hidden treasures include:

  • Treasure Maps: Scattered throughout Skyrim, treasure maps lead players to hidden loot. Following these maps requires keen observation and a bit of puzzle-solving but rewards players with valuable items and gold.
  • Dwemer Ruins: These ancient underground structures hold valuable Dwemer artifacts and treasures, providing both wealth and insight into Skyrim's history.
  • Dragon Priest Masks: Collecting these powerful artifacts from defeated Dragon Priests unlocks potent abilities and treasures.
  • Daedric Artifacts: Quests associated with the Daedric Princes reward players with unique items, each boasting its own special powers.
  • Unmarked Locations: Skyrim hides numerous unmarked locations that offer lore, unique quests, and rewards. From Angi's Camp to the Four High Peaks of Solstheim, these hidden gems are worth exploring for their treasure, skills, and immersive storytelling.
Location Type Description
Treasure Maps Lead to hidden loot
Dwemer Ruins Contain valuable artifacts and treasures
Dragon Priest Masks Unlock powerful abilities
Daedric Artifacts Offer unique items with special powers
Unmarked Locations Provide lore, quests, and rewards

In conclusion, Skyrim's side quests and world exploration offer players a wealth of experiences beyond the main storyline. Whether it's clearing dungeons, discovering new locations, or uncovering hidden treasures, the world of Skyrim is ripe for exploration. Players are encouraged to take the road less traveled, as it often leads to the most rewarding adventures.

Skills and Abilities

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, developing a character's skills and abilities is essential for survival and progression. This section delves into the intricacies of skill trees, the process of leveling up, and the strategic selection of perks and abilities that can significantly enhance gameplay.

Skill Trees

Every character in Skyrim has an overall level and individual levels for each of the 18 skills, categorized under three disciplines: Thief, Mage, and Warrior. Each skill has its own tree that grants various perks to the player. Skill trees play a crucial role in character development, allowing players to tailor their abilities to their playstyle. For example, the Archery skill tree offers perks that increase bow damage and slow down time during aiming, making it invaluable for players focusing on ranged combat.

  1. Choosing Your Path: Deciding which skill trees to invest in should align with your desired gameplay style. Whether it's mastering stealth as a thief, harnessing the arcane as a mage, or wielding powerful weapons as a warrior, your choice of skill trees will define your journey in Skyrim.
  2. Navigating Skill Trees: Each tree has a variety of perks, unlocked as the skill levels up. These perks can enhance your abilities, such as increasing weapon damage, improving spell effectiveness, or boosting your crafting skills.

Leveling Up

Leveling up in Skyrim is directly tied to the improvement of skills. As you use skills in combat, magic, crafting, and other activities, they gradually level up. Once enough skills have improved, your character's overall level increases, granting you a skill point to spend on a perk of your choice.

  1. Improving Skills: Engage in activities that use your chosen skills. For instance, casting spells to level up magic skills or engaging in melee combat to improve warrior skills.
  2. Strategic Leveling: Focus on leveling skills that align with your chosen skill trees to unlock desired perks more quickly.

Perks and Abilities

Perks are special abilities that provide enhancements to your skills. Each time your character levels up, you can select one perk, provided you meet its skill requirement and any prerequisite perks.

Skill Category Example Perks
Alchemy Potions you mix are stronger.
Smithing Ability to craft higher-quality gear.
Enchanting Weapons and armor can carry more powerful enchantments.
Combat Skills Increased damage with specific weapon types.
Stealth Skills Improved sneaking and pickpocketing abilities.

Additionally, with the introduction of Skyrim Patch 1.9, players can choose to make skills that have reached level 100 "Legendary." This resets the skill to level 15, refunds all the perks, and removes the level cap, allowing characters to acquire all possible perks eventually.

To maximize your character's potential, it's essential to thoughtfully select perks that complement your playstyle and goals within the game. Whether you aim to become a master blacksmith, a stealthy assassin, or a powerful mage, the right combination of skills, leveling strategies, and perks will pave your way to success in Skyrim.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim not only captivated players with its initial release but continued to expand its universe through downloadable content (DLCs), each adding new layers of story, characters, and gameplay. These DLCs, namely Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn, offer players more immersive experiences, challenging quests, and the ability to explore new territories.

Overview of all DLCs

Skyrim's DLCs collectively enrich the game with new quests, locations, and items, significantly extending gameplay hours. Players can choose to combat ancient vampires, build and manage properties, or explore the mysterious island of Solstheim. Each DLC brings its unique flavor to Skyrim, ensuring that players have plenty of reasons to return to this enchanting world.


Dawnguard introduces a conflict between the ancient order of Dawnguard and the powerful Vampire Lord, Harkon, who seeks to use the Elder Scrolls to extinguish the sun. Players must choose a side, each offering a distinct storyline and abilities. Joining the Dawnguard offers access to new weapons, armor, and the ability to hire armored trolls, while siding with the vampires grants the powerful Vampire Lord form and unique spells.

Feature Dawnguard Faction Vampire Lord Faction
Unique Abilities Access to crossbows and armored trolls Vampire Lord form with unique powers
Headquarters Fort Dawnguard, equipped with amenities Castle Volkihar, filled with treasures
Notable Quests "A New Order", "Prophet", "Kindred Judgment" "Bloodline", "The Bloodstone Chalice"


Hearthfire focuses on a more peaceful aspect of Skyrim, allowing players to purchase land, build houses, and adopt children. This DLC provides a break from the constant battles, offering a chance to become a landowner and customize personal homesteads in various holds. Players gather materials, design their houses, and can even hire stewards to manage their properties.

Feature Description
Building a Home Purchase land, construct your house, and customize it
Adoption Adopt up to two children and provide a home for them
Stewardship Hire stewards to manage your property and buy supplies


Dragonborn takes players to the island of Solstheim, where they face off against Miraak, the first Dragonborn. This DLC not only expands the geography of the game but also delves deep into the lore of the Dragonborn lineage. Players can explore new territories, encounter new enemies, and harness the power of new shouts in their quest to stop Miraak.

Feature Description
New Location Explore the island of Solstheim and its unique biomes
Main Antagonist Battle against Miraak, the first Dragonborn
New Shouts and Gear Access to new Dragon Shouts and armor sets

Each DLC enhances the Skyrim experience in unique ways, offering fresh adventures, challenges, and stories. Whether players are defending Skyrim from vampires, building their dream home, or exploring new lands, these DLCs ensure the journey through Skyrim is far from over.

Tips and Tricks

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, mastering combat, alchemy, crafting, and the art of trading and bartering can significantly enhance your gameplay experience. This section provides practical tips and strategies to help you excel in these areas.

Combat Tips

Combat in Skyrim requires strategy, quick reflexes, and a deep understanding of your enemy's weaknesses. Here are some essential tips to improve your combat skills:

  1. Study Your Enemy: Pay attention to enemy movements and attack patterns to anticipate their next move.
  2. Utilize Blocking and Staggering: Use a shield or weapon to block attacks effectively, staggering your opponent and creating an opening for counterattacks.
  3. Diversify Your Arsenal: Keep a variety of weapons on hand, such as bows for ranged attacks and two-handed weapons for heavy damage.
  4. Incorporate Magic: Magic spells can weaken enemies or heal yourself. Combine magic with physical attacks for maximum efficiency.
  5. Leverage the Environment: Use environmental elements to your advantage, such as leading enemies into traps or using cover for protection.
  6. Level Up Combat Skills: Focus on improving skills like One-Handed, Two-Handed, Archery, and Destruction Magic.
  7. Choose Perks Wisely: Invest in perks that align with your combat style, enhancing your effectiveness in battle.
  8. Experiment and Save Often: Don't be afraid to try different tactics and load previous saves if necessary to find the best approach.

Alchemy and Crafting

Alchemy and crafting are invaluable skills that can provide potent potions, deadly poisons, and high-quality gear. Here are key strategies to master these skills:

  1. Learn Ingredients: Start by eating every ingredient to discover its properties. This method reveals one of the four hidden properties and raises your Alchemy skill.
  2. Experiment: Combine at least two ingredients at an alchemy lab to discover new potion recipes. Successful combinations result in potions or poisons.
  3. Collect Recipes: Loot enemies and purchase recipes from alchemists to learn new potion formulas without the guesswork.
  4. Value Equals Experience: Crafting valuable potions and poisons yields more experience, accelerating your skill improvement.
  5. Invest in Perks: Enhance your alchemy abilities by selecting perks in the Alchemy skill tree, such as the Experimenter, to unlock additional ingredient properties.

Trading and Bartering

Maximizing profit and obtaining the best prices requires understanding Skyrim's trading and bartering system. Follow these tips to become a master trader:

  1. Know the Best Times to Barter: Trading is most effective between 8 am and 8 pm, and sometimes location plays a role in available prices.
  2. Build Relationships: Your status with merchants affects prices. Becoming a Thane or befriending merchants can secure better deals.
  3. Be Aware of Racial Biases: A character's race can influence prices, with some races facing higher prices in certain cities.
  4. Sell Items Individually: Selling items one at a time can yield more skill-ups in Speech, as the game treats each transaction separately.
  5. Use Enchantments and Potions: Equip items with the 'Prices are xx% better' enchantment and use bartering potions to improve selling and buying prices.

By incorporating these tips and tricks into your Skyrim adventure, you can enhance your combat effectiveness, master the art of alchemy and crafting, and optimize your trading and bartering strategies. Whether you're engaging in epic battles, concocting powerful potions, or negotiating the best deals, these strategies will help you navigate the challenges of Skyrim with confidence.


Through this comprehensive guide, players are equipped with the essential knowledge and strategies to navigate the intricate world of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, aiming for the lofty goal of 100% completion. From the foundational elements of character creation and initial quests, the deep dive into the core of the main storyline, to the extensive exploration of guilds, factions, and the vast open world brimming with side quests and hidden treasures, this walkthrough serves as an indispensable resource. The inclusion of detailed walkthroughs for the DLCs further enriches the gameplay experience, ensuring players have access to all the tools and information needed to fully immerse themselves in the realms of Skyrim.

As adventurers embark on this epic journey, they are reminded of the importance of strategic thinking in skill and ability development, the plethora of opportunities for exploration and discovery, and the undeniable thrill of mastering combat, alchemy, and trading. Regardless of whether one is a novice embarking on their first journey to Skyrim or a seasoned warrior returning to familiar lands, this guide stands as a beacon, lighting the path to conquering one of the most iconic games in role-playing history. This grand adventure awaits, filled with endless possibilities, challenges, and rewards that lie just beyond the horizon.


Is achieving 100% completion in Skyrim feasible?
Yes, achieving 100% completion in Skyrim in a single playthrough is feasible. This includes unlocking all achievements and completing all possible quests.

Can you truly finish everything in Skyrim?
While completing every aspect of Skyrim may seem nearly impossible due to the vast number of side quests, finishing the main storyline of the game is quite achievable.

Has anyone ever completed Skyrim to 100%?
Yes, a Reddit user by the name of DiJGit has reported completing Skyrim to 100% after dedicating 700 hours to the game.

What is the estimated time required to achieve 100% completion in Skyrim?
Focusing solely on the main objectives, Skyrim can be completed in approximately 34½ hours. However, for those aiming for 100% completion, including all side quests and achievements, it may take around 232 hours.

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