
This guy is playing Grand Theft Auto 4 at 9999999 "warp speed" and it's both funny and a surreal masterpiece

The algorithm is often right. This time, YouTube delivered one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen. Tom Walker, an Australian comedian, played Grand Theft Auto 4 using a mod named Warp Eleven, which changed the behaviour of all vehicles in the game, except Roman's car, so that they would "travel at warp speed", in other words, they would drive (and crash at ridiculous speeds) with or without driver.

This mod is a real winner. Walker is a pretty big deal in Australia's comedy world and streams games often (apparently, his Truck and Farming Simulator video are great). He's also a GTA fan and has a mindset that can tolerate all the chaos in a Liberty City full of endless vehicles smashing and exploding in ridiculous speeds.

It is nearly impossible to avoid dying. Every vehicle GTA offers is flying around, literally, with collisions or explosions happening every second. Nico will be hit by a car if he stands still. If he runs along a road that appears to be empty, something will send Nico flying out of the blue. It is a Sisyphean effort to get from A to B. There are constant restarts, and sometimes annihilation.

I don't understand why I find it funny, but Walker does, and he persists in trying one of the first missions to complete, which involves getting to Roman's flat. It's not just a yucky experience to watch a truck splatter Nico from nowhere. It quickly becomes an interesting exercise in navigating a Liberty City with a floor that isn't exactly lava but could as well be. Walker learns quickly to prioritize things like height and uses the hanging mechanic to cross roads and bridges. He also chooses safer zones such as railtracks, where there is little traffic.

The sights that this mod offers me were what I found most captivating. The constant bangs, crashes and comedy ragdolls are amusing. (And boy, does this thing work the Euphoria Physics hard.) But at times, you'll see some truly remarkable things. At one point, Walker is in the water, looking at a road, where the traffic, for whatever reason it's hitting, is slanting so much that everything takes off. This huge mass of vehicles is flying through the air like a flock.

Walker also comes across a scene of vehicles suspended in midair, a tableau resembling a collection of dreamcatchers that have been blown up and brought back to Earth by pistol shots. He has walked across bridges while cars flew into the air from either side in an odd salute. In one mission, he is driving Roman's cab, and a series collisions sends it spinning lazily ablaze through traffic whipping by at a million mph. It comes to a slow, stop just in time to allow Walker to jump out before the boom. Walker emphasizes the strange beauty of the scene by overlaying Death Stranding music.

The Warp Eleven mod was inspired by a GTA mod from years ago called Carmageddon. Funny enough, PC Gamer staff members played with it many moons before. Look how young and fresh they were!

This is a great walkthrough and you can get the idea and a few laughs even if you only watch for a minute. It also taps into what makes the GTA games so special, the freedom to choose your own goals and mess around in these wonderful sandboxes. It's fun to break things. And when the twist is as ridiculous as this, it shows how much fun it is. GTA 4 is not only a surreal vehicle deathscape but also hilariously brutal.

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