
Hogwarts Legacy Beasts: How to Catch and Tame Creatures

In the enchanting world of "Hogwarts Legacy," players have the unique opportunity to dive deep into the magical universe of taming and caring for a variety of beasts. The aspect of discovering, capturing, and nurturing Hogwarts Legacy beasts adds a rich, immersive layer to the gameplay, broadening the magical experience beyond spells and potions. This element not only caters to players' sense of adventure and discovery but also emphasizes the importance of empathy and the bond between wizards and magical creatures. The game invites enthusiasts to explore the vast, open landscapes of the wizarding world, where secrets and challenges await at every turn.

The journey to mastering the art of beast taming involves several key stages, starting with unlocking beast taming abilities and learning how to locate these creatures throughout the game’s expansive environment. This article will guide readers through the process of finding beasts in Hogwarts Legacy, including the elusive hogwarts legacy shiny beasts and how to catch beasts in Hogwarts Legacy efficiently. From understanding the basics of taming and caring for these creatures to managing and customizing the Vivarium where they reside, players will gain insightful knowledge on enhancing their magical companionship. Additionally, the exciting possibilities of breeding and selling beasts will be explored, offering wizards a chance to delve deeper into the magical economy of "Hogwarts Legacy."

Unlocking Beast Taming Abilities

To embark on the magical journey of taming and raising beasts in "Hogwarts Legacy," players must first unlock specific abilities and tools essential for capturing and caring for these magical creatures. This process is intricately woven into the game's storyline, ensuring that as players progress, they gain the necessary knowledge and equipment to become proficient beast tamers. Here's a detailed walkthrough to unlock these beast taming abilities.

Step 1: Discovering the Room of Requirement

The adventure begins deep into the game, specifically after completing approximately the 21st main quest. It is at this pivotal moment players unlock the Room of Requirement, a magical space that serves as the foundation for beast taming activities. Progressing through the main quest lines is crucial, as it leads to the unlocking of the Room of Requirement Quest, setting the stage for all subsequent beast-related endeavors.

Step 2: The Beast Class Quest

Shortly after gaining access to the Room of Requirement, players should look out for a quest titled "The Beast Class." This quest, occurring two or three missions post the Room of Requirement Quest, introduces players to the basics of beast care, including feeding, brushing, and harvesting materials from them. These activities are performed using specific spells players can equip to their spell diamond, laying the groundwork for more advanced taming techniques.

Step 3: The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and The Loom Quest

Following "The Beast Class" quest, another critical quest opens up, named "The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and The Loom." If this quest does not immediately appear, players may need to advance the main quest line slightly further. In this quest, players join forces with Deke, venturing into the wild to rescue smaller beasts from poachers using the Nab-Sack, a tool specifically designed for capturing beasts, which must be equipped to the player's spell diamond.

Step 4: Unlocking the Vivarium

Upon successful completion of the quest with Deke and rescuing the beasts, players unlock the Vivarium. This specialized environment within the Room of Requirement is where players will house, tame, and raise their captured beasts. Deke provides players with an introduction to the Vivarium, explaining its functions and how to care for the newly rescued beasts.

Step 5: Capturing and Taming Beasts

With the Vivarium unlocked, players are now equipped to explore the vast landscapes of "Hogwarts Legacy" to capture and tame beasts. The game's map highlights small Beast Dens, where players can find and capture beasts using the Nab-Sack. For more elusive or challenging beasts, players can employ other spells, such as Leviosa and Glacius, to slow them down and facilitate capture.

Additional Tips for Beast Taming

  • Beast Dens Identification: Look for the Bear Claw icon on the map to locate Beast Dens.
  • Capturing Beasts: A yellow meter appears when using the Nab-Sack to capture a beast. Wait for this meter to fill up before pressing the capture button. Note that in Story Difficulty Mode, the yellow meter is not visible, and beasts can be captured immediately.
  • Vivarium Capacity: Each Vivarium can house up to four species and 16 beasts of each species. Completing Deek's quest line unlocks additional Vivariums.

By following these steps, players will unlock the abilities and tools needed to start their journey into beast taming in "Hogwarts Legacy." This magical venture not only adds depth to the gameplay but also allows players to form unique bonds with the magical creatures of the wizarding world.

Finding Beasts in Hogwarts Legacy

In the expansive world of "Hogwarts Legacy," players have the opportunity to encounter and tame a diverse array of magical beasts, each with its unique charm and significance. From the adorable Puffskein to the majestic Hippogriff, there are 13 different beasts waiting to be discovered by keen-eyed wizards and witches. These creatures roam the lands outside Hogwarts Castle, and finding them is a thrilling adventure that requires both skill and knowledge.

Identifying Beast Dens

The first step in locating these magical creatures is to identify Beast Dens, which are scattered throughout the game's vast landscape. These dens are marked on the map with a claw icon, making them easier to spot as you explore new territories. Hovering over each den on the map will reveal the type of beast inhabiting the area, providing players with clues on what to expect and prepare for.

Beast Dens vary in their inhabitants, ranging from one to four magical beasts roaming around. Some dens might be home to a single majestic creature, while others could be bustling with activity from multiple beasts. These dens are not just places to find beasts; they are also critical for players looking to create a menagerie inside the Room of Requirement, akin to Newt Scamander's magical suitcase.

Essential Quests and Locations

To effectively capture these beasts, players must complete essential quests that unlock the necessary tools and knowledge. The main story quest "The Elf, the Nab-sack, and the Loom" is pivotal, as the house elf Neek teaches players how to capture magical beasts using the Nab-Sack and care for them in their Vivariums. This quest equips players with the skills needed to approach Beast Dens strategically, using spells like Leviosa and Glacius to prevent beasts from escaping during the capture process.

Once equipped with the Nab-Sack, players can venture into various regions of the Highlands of Hogwarts Legacy, each hosting its unique set of Beast Dens. From the northernmost region of North Ford Bog to the mysterious depths of the Forbidden Forest and the scenic Hogwarts Valley, magical beasts await in their natural habitats. Each location presents its challenges and rewards, with specific dens dedicated to creatures like the Giant Purple Toad, Mooncalf, and the elusive Unicorn.

Capturing these beasts is not just about expanding one's collection in the Vivarium; it's also about understanding and preserving the magical world's biodiversity. Players are encouraged to interact with these creatures, petting and feeding them to foster a bond. For those interested in the magical economy of "Hogwarts Legacy," breeding beasts in the Vivarium offers an exciting opportunity to delve deeper into the game's immersive experience.

In summary, finding beasts in "Hogwarts Legacy" is a rewarding journey that enhances the magical experience of the game. By identifying Beast Dens, completing essential quests, and exploring the diverse regions of the Highlands, players can discover, capture, and care for the magical creatures that roam the wizarding world.

Taming and Caring for Beasts

In "Hogwarts Legacy," the magical journey extends beyond exploring and casting spells, as players also dive into the captivating world of taming and caring for beasts. This section delves into the essential steps of using the Nab-Sack for capturing magical creatures and the subsequent nurturing processes including feeding and grooming that ensure their well-being in the Vivarium.

Using the Nab-Sack

  1. Initiating Capture: When a player encounters a beast den in the Highlands, they should equip the Nab-Sack spell to their hotbar. Engaging the beast with the spell initiates a capturing process, indicated by a filling ring on the screen. Pressing the prompted button as the ring fills results in a successful taming of the beast.

  2. Employing Spells for Easier Capture: To prevent beasts from escaping, spells like Leviosa and Glacius can be used to immobilize them temporarily, making the capturing process smoother. For elusive creatures, such as the Jobberknoll, becoming invisible through the Disillusionment spell allows players to approach undetected, and Leviosa can then be used to hold them in place for capture.

  3. Expanding the Vivarium: Completing quests from Deek in the Room of Requirement unlocks additional Vivariums. Each Vivarium can host up to four species, with a maximum of 16 individual beasts per species, providing ample space for a diverse collection of magical creatures.

Feeding and Grooming Beasts

  1. Nurturing Your Beasts: After successfully capturing and housing beasts in the Vivarium, their care becomes a priority. Players can interact with tamed beasts by feeding them Beast Feed and using the Beast Petting Brush for grooming. These actions not only ensure the beasts' happiness but also yield magical materials useful for gear upgrades.

  2. Customizing the Vivarium: To enhance the environment for the magical creatures, players can add objects like the Beast Feeder and Beast Toybox to the Vivarium using the Conjuration spell. These additions keep the creatures fed and entertained, contributing to their overall well-being.

  3. Collecting Magical Materials: Regular interaction with the beasts through feeding and grooming results in the release of magical materials. These can be collected and used for various purposes, including crafting and enhancements. The materials can also be supplemented by purchases from the Brood and Peck shop in Hogsmeade, ensuring a steady supply for the player's needs.

By following these steps, players can master the art of beast taming and care in "Hogwarts Legacy." The process not only enriches the gameplay experience but also deepens the connection between the player and the magical creatures they encounter throughout their journey in the wizarding world.

Managing and Customizing the Vivarium

Setting Up the Vivarium

When players first unlock their Vivarium in "Hogwarts Legacy," they are presented with a vast, empty space that can be daunting at first. To begin transforming this area into a thriving habitat for magical creatures, it's essential to start with a clear plan. Here are some structured steps to help players set up their Vivarium effectively:

  1. Choose a Theme: Deciding on a theme is crucial as it guides all subsequent design choices. Players might opt for themes inspired by different Hogwarts houses, magical forests, or even a mystical desert.

  2. Lay Out Paths and Structures: Begin by placing paths to establish a flow through the Vivarium. These paths can lead to different sections like feeding areas, sleeping spots, or play zones for the beasts.

  3. Add Large and Small Decorations: Incorporate a mix of large items such as trees, buildings, and rocks, alongside smaller items like statues, shrubs, and decorative fences to enhance the aesthetic and functionality of the space.

  4. Utilize Building Pieces: Players can construct various structures, from simple shelters to elaborate towers, using the building pieces available. Experimentation is key here, as players can try different configurations to see what fits best.

  5. Focus on Practicality and Aesthetics: While it's important to make the Vivarium visually appealing, it should also cater to the needs of the beasts. Ensure there are ample feeding stations and comfortable resting areas.

Using Beast Items

Managing the needs of the beasts in the Vivarium is crucial for their well-being and happiness. Here's how to effectively use beast items to ensure a thriving environment:

  1. Beast Feeder: Placing a Beast Feeder is essential as it automates the feeding process, allowing players more time to interact with their beasts in other ways. The feeder ensures all beasts are well-fed and healthy.

  2. Breeding Pen: For players interested in breeding smaller animals, setting up a Breeding Pen is vital. This facility requires one male and one female beast to initiate the breeding process, which can be a strategic way to expand the variety of creatures in the Vivarium.

  3. Decorative and Functional Items: Adding items like Beast Toyboxes or magical plants can significantly enhance the liveliness of the Vivarium. These not only serve as entertainment for the beasts but also add to the overall charm of the environment.

  4. Customization for Each Species: It's important to customize sections of the Vivarium to cater to specific species' needs. This might involve creating cooler shaded areas for Mooncalves or sunny, open spaces for Fire Crabs.

By following these guidelines, players can create a personalized and efficient Vivarium in "Hogwarts Legacy" that not only meets the needs of their magical beasts but also provides a visually stunning and interactive environment.

Breeding and Selling Beasts

Breeding and Selling Beasts in "Hogwarts Legacy" offers players a captivating side activity that enriches the gaming experience. This section delves into the mechanics of breeding various magical beasts and the process of selling them for Galleons, the game's currency. Players can explore these aspects to enhance their gameplay, contribute to the magical ecosystem, and gain financial benefits.

Breeding Mechanics

  1. Unlocking the Breeding Feature: To start breeding beasts, players must first unlock the Room of Requirement and obtain the Nab-Sack. Following this, the "Foal of the Dead" side quest, given by Deek, is essential as it introduces the Breeding Pen Spellcraft. This spellcraft is available for purchase from Tomes and Scrolls in Hogsmeade for 1,000 gold.

  2. Setting Up the Breeding Pen: Inside the Room of Requirement, players use their Conjuration spell to conjure a breeding pen within the Vivarium. Placing a male and female beast of the same species into this pen and waiting for 30 minutes in real-time results in the birth of an offspring. It's important to note that all beasts, except for the Phoenix, can be bred in the game.

  3. Breeding Specifics: Players can breed four pairs of species per Vivarium, ensuring it's not overcrowded. The game features 12 breedable beasts, including Graphorn, Diricawl, Thestral, and Hippogriff, among others. Breeding not only allows for the expansion of one's collection but also contributes to the survival of these magical species.

Selling Beasts for Galleons

  1. Where to Sell: Once players have successfully bred their beasts, they might find the need to make space within their Vivariums. The Brood and Peck shop in Hogsmeade serves as the marketplace for selling these magical creatures. To access this shop, players must progress in the story and complete the main quest "The Elf, the Nab-sack, and the Loom."

  2. Process and Profit: Inside Brood and Peck, players can sell their beasts to the vendor, Ellie Peck. Regardless of the type, each beast sells for 120 Gold Galleons, providing a steady income source. This makes breeding and selling beasts a lucrative activity for players looking to accumulate wealth in "Hogwarts Legacy."

  3. Considerations for Selling: It's worth mentioning that shiny beasts do not fetch a higher price than regular beasts. Therefore, players should consider the space in their Vivariums and their financial goals when deciding which beasts to sell.

By engaging in the breeding and selling of beasts, players can enjoy a rewarding experience that not only contributes to their in-game progress but also allows them to play a part in the magical economy of "Hogwarts Legacy." Whether aiming to ensure the survival of magical species or seeking to earn Galleons, these activities add depth and enjoyment to the game.


Throughout this journey into the enchanting world of "Hogwarts Legacy," we've explored the intricate process of discovering, capturing, and nurturing a variety of magical beasts, thereby reinforcing the game's core narrative of adventure and empathy. From unlocking beast taming abilities and finding these magical creatures in the vast landscapes of the wizarding world to the meticulous care and eventual breeding within the customized confines of the Vivarium, players are offered a multi-faceted experience. This deep dive into the realms of magical fauna not only serves to enhance the gameplay experience but also emphasizes the importance of connection and stewardship towards these mystical creatures.

The implications of these interactions extend beyond the boundaries of the game, offering players a unique opportunity to engage with the magical economy of "Hogwarts Legacy" and to reflect on the broader themes of conservation and empathy in their real-world counterparts. By suggesting avenues for further exploration and encouraging a deeper bond between wizards and magical creatures, the game crafts a narrative that resonates with the values of care and curiosity. As players continue to explore, capture, and care for these creatures, they contribute to the rich tapestry of the wizarding world, ensuring its legacy endures through the bonds they forge.


How can I tame creatures in Hogwarts Legacy?

In Hogwarts Legacy, you can tame creatures by capturing them with the Nab-Sack and then creating a personal menagerie in the Room of Requirement, similar to Newt Scamander's magical suitcase. Within this space, you're able to interact with these creatures, including activities like petting and feeding them to build a bond.

What is the method to capture each creature in Hogwarts Legacy?

To capture a creature in Hogwarts Legacy, you must approach it and use a beam that transports the creature into your Nab-Sack. This method does not apply to ghosts within Hogwarts Castle due to ethical reasons. For a stealthier approach and to avoid alerting creatures, activating the Disillusionment charm is recommended, making it easier to get close without being detected.

How can I sell the creatures I capture in Hogwarts Legacy?

To sell creatures in Hogwarts Legacy, you should visit the Brood and Peck shop located in Hogsmeade Village. There, you can sell each beast from your collection for 120 Galleons, providing a way to earn money within the game.

Is it possible to ride the creatures caught in Hogwarts Legacy?

Yes, in Hogwarts Legacy, there are specific types of beasts that you can ride. These include:

  • Graphorn
  • Hippogriff
  • Thestral These creatures can serve as mounts, allowing you to traverse the game's world in a unique and exciting way.

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