Crytek says that the Scream killer looks natural in Hunt: Showdown 1896: 'We think the latest Ghost Face Rampage is a great fit for the dark, supernatural atmosphere.'
Crytek responded to complaints regarding a new cosmetic paid for in Hunt: Showdown, 1896 by saying that the mask from the Scream films does fit into the supernatural monster-hunting video game set in 1890s.
Morgan observed last season, after being killed by Diablo 4 Lilith in Call of Duty. Every successful multiplayer shooter compromises its style or theme to accommodate wacky cosmetics. Hunt: Showdown's process took longer than normal, but I noticed that it started this week with Ghost Face Rampage, which adds an iconic mask from the 1996 slasher film Scream to the historical, supernatural extraction shooter.
Ghost Face was a particularly harsh reaction from some players who were dissatisfied by the recent update that introduced a new game map. As we reported earlier in the week, one player claimed that "Hunt’s identity died" after the DLC announcement.
I wouldn't agree with that. I'm not a regular gamer, so I have no personal investment in this. But I find it difficult to believe that the bad guy of Scream would be a good fit for the Colorado Mountains of 128 years ago.
Crytek released a statement today on X that said, "We believe Ghost Face Rampage fits into the dark supernatural atmosphere as a mythological figure, which transcends eras." "In the 1890s a madman donned the mask and was driven into a bloody rage by its foul whispers while on a Louisiana hunting trip--and the history is what followed."
Crytek is right about one thing: The mask design does resemble Edvard munch's The Scream (1893), which was painted by Munch. I don't believe anyone who looks at the mask from Scream will think, "Ah, it's just like that period-appropriate picture." Crytek approaches the issue from a fictional perspective. Could there have been a Ghost Face before? Sure. But I only see the Halloween mask of the '90s.
Ghost Face may be a major issue for some players, but it's not the only one. Crytek tweeted that he was wearing a hat that was appropriate: "It isn't turning into Fortnite." Calm down."
Crytek's statement explains its philosophy on brand collaborations, stating that it aims to seamlessly blend "IPs and personalities from outside" with Hunt.
Crytek stated that the goal was to enrich the story and weave new threads in the ever-evolving Hunt mythos in a new way. "Not just to drop new characters in the game, but write compelling new stories involving these crossovers so that we can create a richer and more engaging experience for existing players and invite new ones into our world."
Ghost Face Masks are now available for $10.