June 12, 2012


Based on 36 Reviews
Release date
June 12, 2012


Krater is a squad-based roleplaying game set in a colorful post-apocalyptic world. It combines the combat mechanics of action-rpgs with the top-down view of the classic old-school RPG and RTS games. The game brings far into the future of a post-apocalyptic Sweden. Once home to IKEA, Vikings and Minecraft, today its primitive inhabitants scavenge the broken overgrown world for technological artifacts. At the rim of an impact site known as the Krater, three factions vie for control over the wound opening up into the world below. Consisting of an endless series of caves and tunnels filled with old world treasures and perils, the Underside stretches into the depths of the fallen Swedish civilization. You arrive at the Krater with your team of freelancers to take part in the goldrush where people come back rich or don’t come back at all. [Steam]

Krater Trailer

Krater Screenshots72

Critic Reviews36

Krater has a lot of good things going for it: an original setting (post-apocalyptic Sweden!), a fresh take on ARPG leveling mechanics, a moody soundtrack… Sadly, the monotonous and boring combat makes playing it a chore. Kudos for Fatshark for actively patching their game, but only time will tell whether the potential will ever be fulfilled.
October 13, 2012
This game will bring you only pain and humiliation. It will drive you insane, filling your nightmares with many-colored bears.
September 25, 2012
Mixed emotions… Krater tries to be a squad-based action RPG, but ultimately it does not fully deliver, neither as squad-based, nor as action-hack/slash, nor even as an RPG- and that is truly a shame, for there was something really brilliant here. Still, it remains a fun way to pass many game-hours.
August 31, 2012

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