August 11, 2010

Monday Night Combat

Monday Night Combat
Based on 47 Reviews
Release date
August 11, 2010


[Xbox Live Arcade] Monday Night Combat is a class-based, third-person shooter ... and the most popular lethal sport of the future! It blends intense combat, finishing moves, and gameshow-like challenges and rewards to produce an action experience unlike any other. Why fight for "honor" or "duty" when you can fight for the real American dream - cash, fame and endorsements?

Monday Night Combat Trailer

Monday Night Combat Screenshots49

Critic Reviews47

Monday Night Combat has its flaws, but ultimately it's a game that looks great, has a lot of heart, and provides a fun, unique, and undeniably addictive multiplayer experience that's well worth the fifteen bucks.
May 20, 2024
Monday Night Combat is a game that doesn't take itself seriously, nor is the game bogged down with a ridiculous story line. This is a balls out, frenzy of fun that will appease any twitch shooter fans out there as well as those who enjoy class-based multiplayer.
May 20, 2024
As enjoyable as Monday Night Combat was, if I was to remove the factor that I was often playing with friends and/or colleagues, I'm sure that enjoyment would've plummeted. The single-player is, as expected, a throwaway and easy for achievements.
May 20, 2024

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