October 11, 2001

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Based on 53 Reviews


(Known in Japan as "Gyakuten Saiban") Not everyone is innocent until proven guilty! Players star as a defense attorney, who must prove his seemingly guilty client’s innocence no matter how dire the circumstances may seem. The game presents twisting storylines and intriguing gameplay in a comical anime style. Players must collect evidence, weed through inconsistent testimonies, and overcome corrupt agendas to ensure that justice prevails. [Capcom]

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trailer

Phoenix Wright Series Games8

Critic Reviews53

The unique cast of characters and entertaining story makes Phoenix Wright worth playing, once. After you've seen all the plot turns and twists the game loses its appeal.
May 21, 2024
The game has no real replay qualities too, but this game is so long that it doesn’t need it.
May 21, 2024
The difficulty is low due to the puzzles being about as tough as a play through the board game clue and the replayability is nonexistent. It's a great unique rental for sure but not one I would rush out to buy.
May 21, 2024

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