Building more ziplines while ziplining allows players to achieve absurd speeds in the early game.
My movement has always been clumsy. I've spent hours stripping planet Massage-2 (Ab)b of its resources in order to feed the maw of my miserable Satisfactory production line. My base is a jumble of gnarled belts and a clumsy stumble to get around. When I leave my tangled mess, I have to trudge along with ill-advised platform stairs and jump pads. Thanks to the Satisfactory Subreddit, I have seen a faster, more graceful, and better way to navigate my early game as I work my way up to higher-tier transit technology--one that will never require my feet to touch the floor. As long as my materials are last, of course.
New movement tech: Realtime zipline from r/SatisfactoryGame
The trick, demonstrated by Redditor Farzher in a video posted over the weekend is pretty simple: Always be ziplining. The zipline is a piece of gear you can research early in the game. It allows you to propel along power lines. You can keep your momentum by leaping from a powerline. If you are quick, you can add another powerline segment to your current zipline track and snap back on the powerline without ever touching the floor or losing speed.
Farzher's video may make it seem easy, but building the zipline that you are currently ziplining takes some coordination. Here are the steps, as described by Farzher:
1. Jump from your initial zipline using the right-click.
2. Press 2 (or whatever hotbar item you have bound power lines to) to enter power line build mode.
3. Click left-clicking on the power pole at your current power line segment. This will extend the power line.
4. Aim for a valid location to build another power pole
5. Click the left mouse button to build the next powerline segment
6. Press two again to exit the build mode
7. Reattach the zipline using right-click
8. Aim at the next pole to extend it on your next jump
9. Repeat
Easy, right? It's not so easy, since every step after the initial one is done in midair within the space of just one jump. It's worth trying to figure out. Because the player's forward momentum is carried as they jump off the zipline, and then back again, the technique allows for rapid travel across relatively level terrain. Farzher is able cross a longer stretch of grassland than you could replicate without the higher-tier technology in Satisfactory.
The only downsides that I can see are material requirements - you need to carry the supplies needed to build each stretch, after all - and the fact that there will be a long, unnecessary network of powerlines wherever you go. Satisfactory wasn't designed to be sustainable in the first place.
Check out our Satisfactory Tips and Tricks to make sure you have the best factory experience.