July 15, 2003

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Based on 1200 Ratings
Based on 72 Reviews


Long before the Galactic Civil War, an epic drama begins. Engage in this saga set in the Golden Age of the Republic--over 4,000 years before the first Star Wars film, when both Jedi and Sith number in the thousands. With the Galaxy reeling from a recent conflict with the Dark Lords, the ongoing battle between the Jedi and the Sith rages on. It's up to guide your customizable and evolving characters through ten different worlds, fast-paced minigames, and locations including a Sith world, the Wookie homeworld, and the Jedi Academy. Your actions determine the outcome of this colossal galactic war--and your destiny as a Jedi.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic System Requirements

🤏 Minimum Requirements

Windows XP and Windows Vista
Intel Pentium 3 1Ghz or AMD Athlon 1GHz
256 RAM
32 MB with Hardware T&L

Star Wars Series Games

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Trailer

Critic Reviews

  • 100
    GMR Magazine May 4, 2024
    The battle system rocks. Not quite real-time, not quite turn-based, but somewhere in-between, KOTOR's battle engine offers tremendous depth while being intimately adjustable.
  • 100
    Gamestyle May 4, 2024
    It's a luminous use of an indelible vehicle, and it deserves to be held aloft; suitably accorded the very best nomenclature in Gamestyle's vocabulary. A Ten, then.
  • 100
    Thunderbolt May 4, 2024
    It isn't one thing that makes Knights of the Old Republic such a masterful RPG, but a remarkable amalgamation of brilliant gameplay elements, jaw-dropping presentation and a huge helping of that special Star Wars magic.
  • 100
    AceGamez May 4, 2024
    One of the most sublimely designed inventory systems I've ever seen contains all the information you need about your party of warriors and more, presented in a way that is incredibly clear and easy to understand with the controller used fully to make navigating the various screens dead easy.
  • 100
    Extreme Gamer May 4, 2024
    It has the feel of an action game and the depth of an RPG. My advice: Don't bother renting it. Just buy it.