
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Critic Reviews

72 Total Reviews

72 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GMR Magazine May 4, 2024
The battle system rocks. Not quite real-time, not quite turn-based, but somewhere in-between, KOTOR's battle engine offers tremendous depth while being intimately adjustable.
Gamestyle May 4, 2024
It's a luminous use of an indelible vehicle, and it deserves to be held aloft; suitably accorded the very best nomenclature in Gamestyle's vocabulary. A Ten, then.
Thunderbolt May 4, 2024
It isn't one thing that makes Knights of the Old Republic such a masterful RPG, but a remarkable amalgamation of brilliant gameplay elements, jaw-dropping presentation and a huge helping of that special Star Wars magic.
AceGamez May 4, 2024
One of the most sublimely designed inventory systems I've ever seen contains all the information you need about your party of warriors and more, presented in a way that is incredibly clear and easy to understand with the controller used fully to make navigating the various screens dead easy.
Extreme Gamer May 4, 2024
It has the feel of an action game and the depth of an RPG. My advice: Don't bother renting it. Just buy it.
PGNx Media May 4, 2024
The game changes dramatically whether you're male, female, light or dark, or even try to stay on a neutral path. Anyway you look at it; there are LOTS of reasons to play this many times.
Four Fat Chicks May 4, 2024
Knights of the Old Republic is fast-paced, linear, and consistently entertaining, and the goals are always clear. This was a nearly perfect gaming experience, at least by my standards.
Cincinnati Enquirer May 4, 2024
To say Knights of the Old Republic is an ambitious stab at turning the Star Wars universe into a deep RPG would be an understatement.
MS Xbox World May 4, 2024
Massive ruins, and expansive forest. The water is top-notch, and the character animation is superb!
Adrenaline Vault May 4, 2024
The massive environments are a joy to explore, and the fact that combat and exploration take place on the same screen prevents even the most frequent of encounters from becoming a burden.
G4 TV May 4, 2024
The most complete and all-encompassing "Star Wars" gaming experience yet. Thanks to the nonlinear gameplay and extensive dialog, you experience everything firsthand, and the RPG battles let you direct "Star Wars"-like cinema in a way that's impossible with other genres.
Gaming Age May 4, 2024
One of the most amazing aspects of this game is how the world responds to your actions. It is very open ended, and the decisions that you make during the course of your adventures directly affect the outcome of the entire game... One of the greatest RPGs that I have played thus far.
GameNow May 4, 2024
The delicate balance of combat and exploration is done to perfection.
Cinescape May 4, 2024
This is the best game to be released this year, even eclipsing "Wind Waker."
Into Liquid Sky May 4, 2024
If you're a fan of Star Wars, you NEED to purchase this title. The gameplay experience proves to be as deep as the engrossing story and wonderful script.
Gamer's Hell May 4, 2024
The sheer variety of adventures thrown in your path is stunning!
Gamezilla! May 4, 2024
Without a doubt this is the best Star Wars game created to date. Even those not historically interested in RPGs or Star Wars shouldn't pass by this too quickly as it's rare to find a game executed with this level of quality.
GamingWorld X May 4, 2024
It is, thanks to the incredible job on the vocal work and the environments, easily the most involving RPG I've ever played on a console or PC.
Just RPG May 4, 2024
My favorite character personality is an assassin droid who, in calm tones, always asks you if he can shoot the person you're talking to. Or the person around them. He just wants to kill something.
RPG Fan May 4, 2024
Environments look absolutely stellar with BioWare's new 3D engine for Knights of the Old Republic.