October 23, 2000


Based on 23 Reviews
Release date
October 23, 2000


In the hundred years spanning the millennium (1935 - 2035), a disparate bunch of heroes and villains battle against their own challenges. Although each is unaware of the others, they all share an ageless common spirit of adventure - but unknown to them, their daring actions have attracted the attention of the TimeSplitters.

The TimeSplitters - an evil race dwelling outside of time and space. For eons they have manipulated the fate of humanity for their own malign ends - with cursed shards of crystal they have sown fear, greed and conflict throughout history. Now, roused from an ancient sleep, the TimeSplitters cross the threshold from their shadowy dimension - ripping through the fabric of time itself to confront our heroes.

Can our heroes unite against a common enemy to realize a greater destiny? Or will humanity be consigned forever to a realm ruled under the shadow of the TIMESPLITTERS?

Timesplitters Trailer

Critic Reviews23

An awesome new first-person shooter with the chops and options to tangle with the best.
May 9, 2024
An unconventional - hence invigorating - impetuous, inciting, and utterly, utterly playable first-person multiplaying affair.
May 9, 2024
While it lacks the intricate single player mode of "Goldeneye," the multi-player content in TimeSplitters is arguably the best in console FPS history.
May 9, 2024

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