

Deadlock players discovered a new hero in progress named Slork. He looks like a half man, half shark, or possibly just a guy dressed up in a strange skeletal shark costume.

Deadlock Intel's Twitter feed described Slork, a character with a "super unfinished" status. However, it provided a list of his current abilities. Riptide launches enemies into the air, and can also bounce off walls to cause more havoc. Deep's Embrace is a kind of watery shield. Ambush Predator temporarily makes you invisible and faster before launching an attack. Chomp is a pretty self-explanatory ability.

This Mon Facts YouTube video gives you a slightly more detailed look at the character, again in an unfinished state.

Some followers noticed Slork’s physical similarities to Slark. This Dota 2 character is also known for its stealth-focused gameplay. Redditor Tgiyb1 commented on the Deadlock subreddit, saying that Slork is "pretty similar to Slark from Dota with permanent invisibility linked to his ult" (he also receives huge passive hp regeneration while invis like Slark's Ult). I wouldn't be shocked to see some connection between the two characters in the Deadlock lore if Slork is released as a finished character. Valve has never been known to do things by halves.

Slork has certainly inspired a lot of discussion in the hallowed halls here at PC Gamer.

It went on for a while like that.

I'm talking about a long time.

Slork is not expected to appear in Deadlock anytime soon. However, you can access Slork by pressing F7 on the sandbox console and typing "selecthero" without quotes. May Slork keep you all safe.


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