Steam's latest beta has removed the "open screenshot location" button, and it's causing me to have an existential crisis.
This is not acceptable, Valve. You're building Steam with a new video-recording system. Great! The desktop version of Steam now lacks what I consider to be its second most important button, right after the big green Play. Valve is hiding screenshots, and I can't overstate how many it sends me.
There could be a little PTSD here. I used to own a MacBook Air and I loved it. No Windows laptop had ever had a better trackpad. It weighed next to nothing. Battery life was terrible in its day. but, there were things about Mac OS I could not stand. Especially Apple's tendency to hide all my files as if seeing ".jpg" was enough to give me the bubonic disease. It was easy to view the photos from my phone using the Photos app. But finding the actual files required a spelunk through a horrendous sequence of folders.
One of my strongest beliefs about computers is that it shouldn't be necessary to dig through "User> Wes>.temp> astuvkcaqcf> 4748949585", just to find a file.
I have no idea if Apple has improved in that regard over the years. I'm tempted to take my PC and walk into the ocean with it. I live two miles from the ocean, which is a lot of distance to walk with a 30-ish-pound desktop. On the plus side, if I hold onto it, I will sink to the bottom where Steam's screenshots interface cannot hurt me.
Since many years, the Screenshot window includes a powerful button, a simple tool for efficient, raw digital scrapbooking. It opened a Windows Explorer window with all screenshots that you had taken using Steam for the game. Easy! Other features of Steam have never been as useful to me. I rarely upload screenshots to the Steam Cloud, because I don't post on the Steam forums. I don't need to use Steam screenshot management because I only want to upload the.jpg file, or a bunch of them, if I take a screenshot.
Steam's latest beta has a new Share button that replaces the ability to browse and jump to a folder with a single click. You could also right-click on an image to jump to its location. That's gone, too. Valve wants to keep you inside Steam for this stuff, furthering the trend where all computing takes place in an app that barely acknowledges your computer.
Is there anything that has been a bigger blight on computer interfaces in the last decade than Share? It's the ultimate "clicking here doesn't do shit but it opens up a list other things you can do which used to have their buttons" bit of obfuscating UI. Steam lets me save screenshots on my computer one by one, using the Share button.
Valve, it's already installed on my computer. Where is it? Where did you put it? Where are my files? !
Steam's non-beta branch still has the old interface, but I implore Valve to bring back its second-best button. Don't let Steam become another victim of the obfuscation age of interface design. Sometimes the old ways are the best. I would accept a return of skeuomorphism to get the simple click action that I crave. If you must, make your screenshot window roll out like a file drawer full of manila files. Just give me my button back!