The damage control of A Minecraft Movie is already underway as the director admits that they expected'strong opinion' but pinky promises the test screens went super-well.
The first trailer of A Minecraft Movie was so bad, it made Borderlands look half-decent. It's safe to assume that our expectations aren't high for this film. This negative reception was not a surprise to Jared Hess, the director of A Minecraft Movie, or Torfi Frans Olafsson, the producer and senior Minecraft Director.
Hess (via IGN): "We knew that this game represented so many different things for so many different people." "We knew there would be strong opinions on what people wanted, and what they expected, no matter what we said," Hess says (via IGN). Everyone brings their own personal connection to the game. "We were prepared for everything."
I can understand the frustration of too many choices when it comes time to get creative inspiration from Minecraft. "We've taken a very firm approach to grounding it in what we call 'vanilla Minecraft', like the unmodified Minecraft," Olafsson explains. "The young Henry enters the real world as a kind of creator and maker. His character represents the modder, builder or maker coming into this universe. We're going see some classic stuff, stuff we want to be able to see. Some Beast Creepers and Endermen. We'll also see some new stuff made by Henry."
It's important to keep in mind that those of us that grew up playing Minecraft at the time of its initial boom were not necessarily the intended audience for this film. Olafsson says that some viewers "were born after the first contracts were signed and before the first discussions (for this film) were held." I don't expect a mature, funny and thoughtful interpretation of Minecraft. I understand that this is going to be more of a mid-family-friendly film.
It would be nice to be proven wrong and have A Minecraft Movie be a good watch. I'm a little hopeful because the test screenings were a success. Olafsson explains, "People are saying, 'This movie is awesome'. "I know that people might say, 'Wait! That's not in game.' Anyone who has played Minecraft for some time will have installed some kind of resource pack, mod, or altered it in some other way. This is what this character does."