
The sorcerer builds that once broke Diablo 4 are back and better than ever

I spent the entire second season of Diablo 4 as a sorceress inside rotating orbs. Ball Lightning sorcerers bring the magic to them instead of casting spells from a distance. It only took a few minutes to get the orbs flowing, and you could then carve through dungeons quicker than any other class. Blizzard took the surprising decision to let the build slide for the entire season before nerfing it.

Ball Lightning is still on the throne after four seasons, but this may be about to change. Blizzard has pumped a lot of buffs into the skill in season 7, which could bring back one of Diablo 4's most popular builds.

You can choose between two different flavors of Ball Lighting depending on the new off-hand weapon that you use. Okun's catalyst is the only one that activates my same neurons as Season 2.
This unique off-hand weapon captures lightning orbs which would normally fly towards monsters, and makes them orbit around you instead. This weapon also gives you a small bonus to your quality of life by allowing you to cast them while on the move. Your character should be able to become the electrified mixer that I remember so fondly with enough mana and movement.

Blizzard also reworked the damage bonuses that you can attach to the skill. You can not only make it deal more damage, but you can also make it draw enemies towards you, solving a major weakness. You can then pick up some defensive shields to prevent getting hit and continue to tear things apart like old times.

Ball Lightning may not be as broken as it was in season 2, but it is still one of the best builds for sorcerers. Few classes can match the power of a build that allows you to jump from monster packs to monster packs and spam teleport. The top meta spot is now open to everyone, as the spiritborn have lost their ability deal trillions of damages.

Players will be able to test it out once the public test realm for season 7 begins on December 3. During the week that the test realm is live, you can try out all the new seasonal witchcraft abilities and items. Maybe someone will build a build that revolves around the exploding fire frogs.

Diablo 4 Season 7 will be available on 21 January.

Interesting news


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