
This is yet another sign that we are unable to decide how AI should be marketed.

The next generation of processors are here, and they're equipped with the latest NPUs to perform copious AI shenanigans. We're now in the era for the AI PC. It's not clear if we'll be able to escape the AI marketing hype.

It instead looks like we might have to get used to re-brands, new-brands, brands-within-brands, whatever you want to call it, as there's talk of Copilot being subsumed under the naming "Windows Intelligence". This is from X user teroalhonen, via Windows Central. He shows references to the new naming within the appprivacy.adml.

As TechRadar notes, the Windows Intelligence brand is reminiscent of Apple Intelligence. It was also used by Microsoft for cybersecurity upgrades in the past, and it was also used by Microsoft. It could therefore be more recognisable than "Copilot".

Windows Intelligence will not necessarily replace the Copilot brand. Windows Intelligence is more likely to subsume Copilot, since the latter won't be able to provide all of the AI capabilities Windows offers. Recall is still coming, even though it was recently delayed. Apple Intelligence is a similar service that covers a wide range of services, from Siri to AI photo editing.

It's not surprising that branding hasn't been sorted out yet. All these AI integrations, in the grander scheme of things are still in their infancy.

If the "Intelligence' branding is successful and sticks around, I suppose it could make things easier. You could discuss whether you have a MacOS or Windows computer that is Intelligent. "Is your PC intelligent?" And so on.

Myself, though? Call me stupid, but I'm avoiding all this AI nonsense for as long as I can. You can update Copilot all you like, but I'll wait until I'm forced to stop burying my head in sand. I hope my silicon won't have become sentient before then.

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