This mod for Skyrim flips the game horizontally, like Mario Kart’s mirror mode. It's very strange and upsetting.
One of the worst things you can do is to mirror an image. Have you ever flipped a picture of yourself to see what it looks like to others, had an existential crises, then done all that you could to erase the image from your mind bank? No, only me? What about flipping Skyrim's entire world like Mario Kart's Mirror Mode? If that doesn't make you shiver, I don’t know what else will.
MontyBellroy, a NexusMods user, has done exactly that. He's taken locations I've grown to love and flipped them on the x axis. My beloved Breezehome is now to my left. All the guards are now on the right. Everything looks very, very strange.
It's deeply unsettling in a way that I wasn't quite anticipating--everything is correct but also not, everyone is normal except not really. It doesn't help MontyBellroy went to the trouble to make sure all the menus and text are in the correct order, further sinking the mod into the uncanny Valley.
One commenter wrote "I find this quite disconcerting, good work," while another commented "This is actually sort of great." I've played Skyrim for so long that I can pretty much auto-pilot through the majority of the game. This is especially true in the more common areas. Now? I JUST GOT LOST WALKING THROUGH WHITERUN! "Having to constantly be aware of where I'm going makes the game feel brand new."
MontyBellroy identifies a few issues with the mod. One issue is that the icons on the map are not positioned where you need to place your mouse to click them. The left icons need to be clicked in the right direction, and vice versa. The console menu is the same, so you'll need to do some mental mapping.
The audio in the game is also not mirrored. So, noises that come from your left will still be heard from their non-flipped side. MontyBellroy points out that Equalizer APO, or another third-party application, should be able reverse your left and rights audio channels. "Or you can wear your headset backwards, like the cool kids do."
I'm going to confess a deep shame: I play Skyrim exclusively on console. I am a vanilla queen. My partner was able to confirm that the mod is indeed reversed and very cursed. It's all you need to know.