
Valve blocks a Deadlock tracker's access to more information about matches

The meta is still fluid, so there's no official tracking website for Deadlock's players or heroes. Valve is probably busy with other things while it works on the MOBA's final product. Everything is in a constant flux.

Tracklock is the most popular unofficial tracker used by players. It has a lot of information about heroes and top players. The site recently revealed the top-rated heroes and those with the highest winning rates.

The site is not official, so it isn't 100 percent accurate. It is best to take everything on the site with a grain or two of salt. Now, with Valve's further intervention, it appears that Tracklock will be even less accurate in predicting stats.

"Valve has increased the rate limits and there are now no new games being tracked," said one of Tracklock’s creators in a now deleted post on the community Discord. "We'll be making some adjustments to the website soon to accommodate this." I just want to say that you shouldn't go to Valve and complain. This game is still in beta and clearly not ready for stats websites. We will use this time to improve our features (we're only a week old!) Be ready for Valve to provide a solution."

Tracklock was great for identifying which heroes are the most/least liked, but it didn't accurately place players' MMR. It didn't always take into account how long a player had played, so some people were able to place in the top percentile with minimal playtime.

"Honestly, it's a nice change for a game that is part of a PLAYTEST," says one player. "I disliked MMR tracking since the trackers appeared; it created a competition in a game that the developers did not want yet."

Others have pointed out that inaccurate MMR rankings don't help anyone. It's best for those who want to know where they stand to wait until Valve releases an official answer or a more accurate ranking method. The MMR has been finicky and, with Deadlock in its early stages of development, it's impossible to predict how the meta will evolve. One hero may become redundant, while another becomes overpowered.

Interesting news


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