
Herdling's trailer made me realize how much I would love to lead a pack of large, hairy animals through the mountains.

It was probably a side quest in Red Dead Redemption that I did last time. I don't remember liking it. It was a tedious, annoying chore dealing with a bunch dumb, slow animals that would break away from the pack at every opportunity.

What if they made an entire game out of herding? What if the developer is Okomotive? The makers of Far: Lone Sails, and Far: Changing Tides. What if the trailer looked absolutely stunning? Look at the trailer and tell me if you wouldn't like to drive a herd... of... whatever those big monsters might be, across a vast and mysterious world.

This is a departure from the Far games, which were side-scrolling. I don't even know what to call it when you move towards the center of the screen rather than sideways across the screen. Horizon-heading? Middle-moving? Depth-delving?

You can tell it's still Okomotive. Herdling has environmental puzzles that you can solve while driving your pack along trails and mountains.

Okomotive said, "With Herdling, we wanted to create a new type of adventure for players and for ourselves." "To create the mountainous world of the herd of animals and their beasts was a challenging task for us, and we enjoyed each step of that journey."

You can learn more about Herdling if the trailer has piqued your interest at the Panic Games Showcase, which will be held on August 27, 2018.

Interesting news


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